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The Delibean Fleet


Delibus commands the majority of his fleet from his flagship, the Omnissiah’s Benevolence, employing Techpriest from all orders in his Explorator fleet. He rarely engages in directing the ground forces these days, instead focusing on logistics and commanding the fleet. He will often send a couple of ships out at a time to a local he suspects the map may be leading to, with the explicit purposes of locating and securing any caches of archeotech, these expeditions are headed by one of his inner circle to ensure loyalty. Delibus will only bring the full force of his fleet to a conflict he has deemed the potential rewards worth it, or a particularly annoying enemy is controlling lands they need access to.


Due to his status as an Archmagos Delibus has acquired large amounts of troops for his Explorator Fleet, but not as many as he would prefer to, due to his failure to reach Prime Hermeticon. He has been told that the more Archeotech he acquires, the more troops he will be able to requisition by his superiors.


The Delibean Fleet exists for the sole purpose of uncovering the caches and vaults of the Dark Age of technology, and filter everything through such a lense. While they maintain decent relations with several other forces in the sector, they have made it apparent that Archeotech is more important than maintaining any relations to them.


After the Broken Crown Rebelion, Forge World Torque became very interested in the Archeotech Bonet used to great effect during the war. While he escaped with the Relic that allowed him to teleport entire armies of knights great distances, a map was discovered. it was discovered under the ruins of the traitor's capital of Hive Lily, in the remains of the underhive sequestered in an archeotech vault. After decoding it Archmagos Explorator Non Delibus realised it showed where Archeotech Vaults were scattered across the sector. Rallying a massive fleet, Delibus began sending them to such worlds in hopes of acquiring the treasures buried deep within.
Explorator Fleet
The recovery and preservation of archeotech.
Non Delibus
Red and Purple


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