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The Iron Spearhead


The Iron Spearhead is a collection of Chaos and Renegade Warbands set on one thing, bringing the Imperium to its knees. Each Warband under the Iron Spearhead's control has been forced to bend the knee to Harkor. The organisation and structure within these Warbands is left to their subjugated leaders. Through intimidation, cunning and grim determination Harkor directs these Warbands to execute his grand battle plans, rewarding success and punishing failure. Though the core of the Iron Spearhead is formed around the 101st "The Hopeless" Grand Company, the 23rd "Iron Decimators" Grand Company and the 396th Grand Company. These Grand Companies are often wielded personally to keep the other warbands in line and to subjugate new warbands into the Iron Spearhead.


The Iron Spearhead was initially formed out of the 20th Grand Battalion commanded by Warsmith Veszrax, Veszrax's Grand Battalion like many others had become a shell of its former strength. By the time of the Dispute of Iron a mere three of his Grand Companies remained. Harkor chooses not to participate in the conflict taking his Grand Battalion and leaving Medrengard, aiming to grow his forces and someday return. So began the Iron Spearhead's slow conquest of other Warbands. The Warlord and the strength of the Iron Spearhead has changed with the times. Yet in M42 the Iron Spearhead finds itself in the ascendent, ruled by a grim and pragmatic Warlord, Harkor. Harkor has led the Iron Spearhead to the Juriah Secotr believing that it will make easy prey due to its isolation and weakened state.


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