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The Lost Dreamer


First encountered by the Imperium during the Great Crusade the Lost Dreamer is renowned for the impenetrable darkness that haunts its halls. The earliest attempts at exploring the hulk met with disaster as the 297th Expedition Fleet of the Blood Angels was utterly annihilated. Their blood-red hulls added to the towering bulk of the space hulk. After this first disastrous expedition, the hulk was placed under strict quarantine. This quarantine however was short-lived, as before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy the hulk suddenly entered the warp. Since then the hulk has reappeared and disappeared several times during Imperial history. Each time it reappears it is heralded by strange dreams and psychic phenomenons from the populace of nearby planets. Many brave and foolish entrepreneurs have ventured into the hulk and those lucky enough to return come back laden with treasures. Yet more never return and are swallowed by the eternal darkness that fills the hulk's halls.   M42.23 The Lost Dreamer re-emerges from the warp. Lord Inquisitor Falk orders Imperial Forces in the sector to purge the hulk and search for the relics within. Inside the hulk is discovered a massive chamber and an ancient set of sealed doors. Imperial Forces rescued several relics and valuable pieces of archeotech before the hulk began suddenly collapsing around them. Before the hulk collapsed the heiress of the navigator house Heiliator was discovered by the Astartes of the Grim Wardens chapter. She was returned to her father and the Grim Warden's chapter was given 7 navigator coins as thanks. The Lost Dreamer has been declared purged in the name of the Emperor and the floating wreckage has been annihilated by the Imperial Navy.


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