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Torque is an extremely hostile, frozen world, with summers that are barely above freezing and winters that reach -40*C. Furthermore, while the tectonic activity is far less extreme then it was a century ago, there are still several highly active volcanic regions on the planet. Almost all human settlements are based around the various manufactorums that scatter the planet, using the heat of the forges for warmth. These Forgetowns are just as much city as they are factories with almost everyone having some sort of job tending to said machinery.


Torque has not had a Fabricator-General since Munitor went missing in M39.666, instead being governed by a council of Prime Hermeticons. These high-ranking techpriest decide everything, from what the planet’s production goals are to how many skitarii legions and cohorts are to be deployed to each campaign.   The people of Torque, and especially the Cult Mechanicus on the planet, are best described by their sheer stubbornness and grit. They survived a devastating catastrophe and live in an incredibly harsh environment and their creations show this as much as they do. Everything is required to be capable of working in freak storms and environmental extremes with negligible drops in combat efficiency.   The ranks of Torque's Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii Legions, and general factory workers come from the various forge towns, built on, in, and around the planets many manufactorums. The citizenry is grouped by the Ad Mech into 3 categories, which in turn are more likely to join one aspect of the Mechanicus then another, though all 3 supply workers for the factories. The first, called the Believers, are under the belief the Adeptus Mechanicus and Omnissiah are responsible for saving the planet after the catastrophe and are generally the most fervent believers. They naturally are the most likely to join the upper echelons Cult Mechanicus. The Servile are those that believe the Mechanicus was horrifically reckless and caused the catastrophe out of their own obtuseness. They’re, however, thankful they kept the planet together and gave them a place to stay. Many members of the Servile therefore join the Skitarii legions, under the belief that will keep their planet safe and the priesthood in check. The final group, the Junkers, are radicals who claim the Ad Mech meant to cause the catastrophe and often will resort to sabotaging factories and forming gangs in both the frozen waste and less travelled parts of the manufactorums. These rebels are only fit for servitor duty.


Founded as a way to rapidly reinforce the Juriah Sector via repairs and resupply of the various space marine chapters and knight houses that called the sector home. A freak malfunction during the construction of a manufactorum, designed to greatly ease production issues, ended up pushing the forge world’s orbit further from the sun in M38.613. The eternal winter combined with an intense period of extreme tectonic instability would have doomed the planet to effective annihilation. If not for the arrival of a Techpriest named Munitor. He proceeded to reveal a series of “Lost STCs” that enabled them to reinforce the remainder of the planet’s structure. Creating a half mechanical world bonded together by massive manufacturing complexes. Now the last bastions of life on the planet have switched their production to creating ship parts. Most of these parts are produced at the planet’s shipyard, “Munitor’s Haven”. This shift in focus was implemented by Munitor after his influence allowed him to become the planet’s Fabricator-General, though they still produce vehicles and munitions for the other forces in the sector, just at a far smaller scale. In M39.666 after a long campaign against a series of approaching Orks, Munitor’s flagship “Peace through Annihilation” vanished. Blaming the Orks for their saviours' apparent demise, Torque sent all their remaining forces to drive the Orks out of the nearby systems, successfully annihilating many would-be Waaghs in the process; as well as managing to make the Oceanus Roof a far safer place.   They sent aid to House Kankar in the Broken Crown Rebellion, getting several blockade runners through to give the loyalist supplies and repairs, as well as Skitarii Cohorts to help retake the planet. As a reward for their service, they were allowed to comb through the ruined city of Lily, where they found an Archeotech vault. A Techpriest named Non Delibus was given permission to hunt for similar vaults across the sector.
Imperium, Mechanicus
Forge World
Tithe Grade
Exactis Tertius


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