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Volathrya IX

Volathrya IX is a large world rocky world with a severe tilt, this has caused most of the world's water to be frozen on one side of the planet for most of the year, causing most of the planet to be barren. What little vegetation survives the harsh conditions lives in perpetual darkness and with precious little water. Due to this lack of dangerous wildlife, many have questioned Volathrya's designation as a Death World. Administratum scholar furiously debates this qualification and it has been changed several times as scribe war over the minutia of its classification. In reality, Volathrya IX is a Hive World like numerous others in the sector, its running is dominated by the vast numbers of arbites that populate every world in the Juriah Sector. Volathrya has 8 moons and very high gravity leading most natives to be fairly short and big-boned.


In M42.25 the planet of Volthrya IX came under a savage assault by the Iron Spearhead. The planet's defences were utterly devastated in the opening bombardment which was then only compounded by a series of devastating assaults conducted by the Oblivion Order. Yet Imperial reinforcements rushed to the planet's aid and resources flowed into the planet to bolster its defences. It was here that the heroic Cadian 1102nd Armoured would first make a name for themselves by collapsing the flank of the Iron Spearhead. This forced the Iron Spearhead into a hasty retreat from the planet else there entire assault be slaughtered by the shells of the Imperial Guard.
70 Billion
Hive World
Tithe Grade
Exactus Prima


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