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Warboss Zog Ironjaw


Zog was just a runt growing on Da Heap like many other Orks when one day he found a little Squig. Zog unusually for an Ork took a great liking to this Squig and made sure to find it all the best grub to eat. Zog beat all the other boyz away from his Squig who he named Squigzilla, for Zog knew his Squig would grow to be the biggest and toughest squig just like he would grow to be the biggest and toughest Ork. All the fighting Zog did with his Squig meant he got big and so did Squigzilla. Soon Squigzilla was bigger than a Land Raider and Zog was easy twice the height of a Space Marine. The two went to the local boss and challenged him to a scrap. Zog won easily but the Boss was a kunnin' git and tried to cheat in the fight and so Squigzilla intervened and swallowed the giant Ork whole.

Physical Description

Zog is a propa orky Ork, big, broad and green. His face and body are scared and a pair of piggish yellow eyes peer out above a giant scrap metal jaw. Zog lost his jaw when the previous Warboss of his mob cheated during Zog's challenge but the scrap metal replacement has served him more than well. Zog like all Orks from Da Heap wildly just bolts scrap metal onto their bodies and Zog as a powerful boss has secured himself a mighty pile of scrap indeed. It's hard to distinguish Zog from a walking rubbish heap and many esoteric trinkets litter is armour. Zog cuts a terrifyingly titanic figure despite all this, wielding his mighty choppa. Yet the most awe-inspiring aspect of Zog is his mount, the colossal Squigzilla. A gigantic bright red Squigosaur, Squigzilla is massive even by Squigosaur standards. Their body is much like Zogs a mess of scars and healed wounds from numerous battles against their fellow Orks.


Zog is slightly unusual for an Ork in that he truly and deeply cares for his Squig, Squigzilla who he cherishes more than fightin' itself. Though anyone who calls Zog out on this behaviour quickly learns that there's nothing else unorky about Zog. Many a boy or nob who thought this behaviour showed Zog's weakness has found themselves dead or in Squigzilla's dinner bowl. Zog is quick to anger and while he's with Squigzilla believes he can defeat any foe. This often leads to Zog being overconfident and over-eager, rushing ahead of his boyz, this then causes his boyz to rush even faster after him. This by Ork standards makes him a tactical mastermind.
Current Status
Alive 'n' Fightin'
10' 8"


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