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Last Stand of the Dawnbreaker

A group of 34 Greyguards, the members of an entire precinct house, Held off a much larger force of Canim and Gnawzeem, at the cost of their own lives. Tarkin Dawnbreaker earned his title, as he was the last to die, fighting alone, backwards down the steps, before he died, pierced with over 10 arrows.

The Conflict


Shortly before Dawn, a force of Canim and Gnawzeem emerged from a tunnel into the basement of a noble manor in the neighborhood of Vinecliff, and began slaughtering all they could find, they were discovered soon after by a patrolling Greyguard, who sounded the alert. The full force emerged, attempting to escape deeper into the city, and were engaged by Greyguards.


The long flight of steps that led from the Vinecliff neigborhood down to the rest of the octant.


Dawn, clear skies. The Choice to fight with their backs to the sun, at the steps, allowed them to avoid most arrows, as the Gnawzeem's sensitive eyes couldnt tolerate the blinding light of breaking dawn.

The Engagement

a force of 34 constables, led by Tarkin Dawnbreaker held off nearly 120 canim and twice that number of Gnawzeem, after they tunneled into the city. The guardsmen, ranging from a junior clerk to the watch lieutenant of the precinct held them at the choke point created by the stairs, preventing them from dispersing into the city.   They slowly were pushed backwards, down the stairs, with the sun at their back. The conflict at the steps lasted nearly an hour, with Tarkin being the last standing, fighting with a canim greatsword that he wrested from one of the attackers. He held down to the landing, which created a switchback, where he was finally brought down by arrows. Reinforcements arrived, in time to force the invaders back, slaughtering them.


a large number of civilians were killed, but only in Vinecliff.


Intense watch was now placed on the regions nearby to the mountains to watch for tunneling. Wards, watchers and a general program of awareness. Vinecliff was largely fled by its wealthy inhabitants, and is now popular among a certain well to do law-unfriendly class.

Historical Significance


A statue of Tarkin Dawnbreaker holding the Canim Greatsword that he used to fight, after his own weapons were shattered now stands the height of the stairs, ever vigilant. The precinct house was rebuilt, nearby and is known as Tarkin's Vigil.

In Literature

A popular ballad sprung up about the event, titled Stand of The Dawnbreaker. It is especially popular among adherents of Bor Amellan and Aegis
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Greyguardsmen were killed to the last, but the Canim and their minions were prevented from dispersing into the city and the tunnel was sealed.


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