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The Great Thunn-a-del Empire (Thoohnn-ah-dell)

Found on: Jai’maan
Capital: Thunn
Languages: Thunnian, Northern Trade Tongue, Southern Trade Tongue
Clothing and Costume: TBD
Names: TBD
Social Structure: TBD
Political Structure: TBD
Currency: The most basic currency in the Thunn-a-del Empire is the Silver Noble. The other coins they use are the Silver Crown, Gold Noble and the Gold Crown.
Religion: The Pantheon of Jai’maan is worshipped in the Thunn-a-del Empire. The most commonly worshipped deities in the Thunn-a-del Empire are Zeus, Athena, and Poseidon.
Similar to: Culturally similar to the Roman Empire.


Aidan, Baerilus, Bari, Centarium, Dantari, Draganić, Eddon, Galatea, Korinaz, Lairius, Novalim, Plavnic, Puerto de Sur, Ramljani, Renal, Roshtun, Sanankoro, Szolnok, Tantus, Terag, Tersum, Thunn (capital)

Town and Villages

Alcsútdobo, Arbusto, Ati Mara, Atura, Avolo, Babila, Balmora, Barlete, Baulista, Benkoro, Bitra, Bolibere, Bouramaya, Budinjak, Buhera, Cereo, Citra, Csákvár, Culebra, Cunn, Dabas, Dalaba, Danush, Darou, Daruvar, Dibarakoure, Djimbala, Doljani, Donji Mekinjar, Dutoro, Egerszalók, El Mont de Oro, Enzoa, Faraba, Gorići, Grbavac, Halios, Harben, Harcium, Havau, Helferius, Horinaz, Inosa, Isk, Ista, Istor, Jarlash, Jarnius, Kamba, Kaoussou, Kapey, Karis, Karlovac, Karmebur, Keyold, Khimaris, Kitsa, Korenica, Koubia, Krasno, La Reina del Mar, Layet, Legno, Livade, Lordana, Louba, Malair, Mamou, Manakara, Mari, Markovac, Mensola, Mentius, Merletto, Missagouela, Morquiz, Murgosa, Nabol, Nantamba, Niaourasso, Nour Mara, Nyssia, Orosháza, Otassi, Pendran, Pendrous, Penzale, Peri, Petras, Pétfürdo, Piona, Plitvice, Polsinn, Pompa, Prava, Pteros, Rakovica, Ribius, Ritsa, Rojas, Rostliz, Ruatho, Runi, Sambalya, Samobor, San Eliseo, Seregélyes, Sergo, Sesvete, Shaold, Shardok, Shaya, Silia, Soroll, Souria, Szolnok, Tantaraba, Tanus, Targo, Teliko, Tinbraga, Tonfili, Tongolomba, Tonuri, Trevale, Trogir, Tysotium, Udbina, Vaide, Velika Barna, Verlein, Veszprém, Vietria, Voshi, Vrbovac, Vučevica, Xandros, Zipporah, Zoskin

Points of Interest

Kaladiny Desert, Lost Temple of Kalafou, The Great Swamp

Mountain Passes

Kaoussou-Mamou Pass - This pass is found in the western portion of the Thunn-a-del Empire. It cuts through the Castor Mountains, and connects the towns of Kaoussou and Mamou.
Eastern Thunn-a-del Empire
The Thunn-a-del Empire roughly covers the southern half of Jai'mann. The Empire had it's beginnings in the eastern half, in the city of Thunn. To the east and across the Bay of Urrlanis is the elven nation of Urrlanis. To the north, and on both sides of the Dragontail Mountains is the nation of Corvinois. At it's southern most point the city of Bari is found, and across The Crossing from it can be found the continent of Emer and the Lankan Empire.

Western Thunn-a-del Empire
In the western half of the empire, the nation of Aini’gri is found to the north across the Inland Sea and the Stait of Lurdan. The westward expansion of the Thunn-a-del Empire was stopped by the Jungles of Chuk'arel.
Geopolitical, Country

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