Bhevek Littlefoot Character in Kadour | World Anvil

Bhevek Littlefoot

Growing up, Bhevek was always drawn to the peaceful and meditative practices of the local monks. He was fascinated by their discipline, strength, and inner peace, and knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in their footsteps.   Despite his small size, Bhevek has always been incredibly strong and athletic, particularly in his legs. This, combined with his natural talent for martial arts, made him an ideal candidate for the monastic lifestyle.   As he grew older and became more skilled in the ways of the monk, Bhevek developed a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. He is not one for noise or excess, preferring to keep to himself and focus on his training and meditation. However, he does have a close friend and companion, a larger and boisterous individual who serves as a stark contrast to Bhevek's more reserved nature.   Despite his lazy and self-centered tendencies, Bhevek is not an evil person. He has never killed or seriously harmed anyone, and generally tries to avoid causing harm to others. However, he does have a tendency to think that the world revolves around him and can be quite vain and jealous at times.   Bhevek is often seen wearing traditional monk's robes, accented with strands of opal and a grey hat with a black feather. He also sports a small bristly mustache and wavy blonde hair, and has deep brown eyes. His attire is completed with gloves of varying lengths, stockings, and shoes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When he was but 5 years old his parents immigrated from the east. He sought a place where he would be rewarded solely on the merits of his skills. This search led him directly into Blacksmith work with an outfit from a few towns over. Blacksmith work suited him well, and with each successful project, he earned more gold and more respect from his peers. In the meantime he has taken over work as a Blacksmith and occasionally as a mercenary.

Personality Characteristics


His religion dominates his actions; and sabotaging a competitor



Slow speaker
Character Location
Current Location
Church of Autumnpass
Current Location
Date of Birth
25th of Fallfrost
Year of Birth
299 AoU 56 Years old
Wavy blonde
Ruled Locations

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