Jane Petrie Character in Kadour | World Anvil

Jane Petrie

Jane Petrie is a unique and interesting character. Being a half-elf, she has the advantages of both worlds, the agility and grace of the elves, and the toughness and resilience of humans. She is a monk, which means she is skilled in martial arts and has a deep understanding of the body and the mind, allowing her to control her emotions and focus on her goals.   Growing up, Jane was very close to her father and had a happy childhood. However, her world was turned upside down when her parents separated and she was separated from her half-sister. This event left a deep emotional scar on her and she hold a grudge against her father's ex-spouse. Her father's love and guidance helped her to channel her emotions and motivated her to become a monk.   Jane's jovial personality and her belief that people are living their lives too quickly, makes her stand out among other monks. She is not one to dwell on the past and is always looking to help others. Her kind heart and her desire to help others, sometimes leads her to make hasty decisions.   As a result of her training, she is extremely disciplined and focused, and is capable of making quick decisions in battle. Her fighting style is a combination of agility, grace and power. She is also very stealthy and quiet, allowing her to move unseen, making her an excellent scout.   In summary, Jane Petrie is a unique and interesting character, with a tragic past, a kind heart and a fierce determination. She is a skilled martial artist, a stealthy scout and a devoted daughter who will go to great lengths to protect her loved ones.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jane hails from a village terrorized by goblins. She worked as a nervous Animal Trainer and found it very stressful. She's also a talented Mayor, but doesn't like to broadcast it.

Personality Characteristics





Speaks with a cold
Character Location
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Starlight
Year of Birth
275 AoU 80 Years old
Known Languages
Common, Elven

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