Korfel Mellerelel Character in Kadour | World Anvil

Korfel Mellerelel

Korfel Mellerelel is a highly respected member of the elven community, known for his impeccable style and generous nature. As an elf of noble birth, he has always had access to the finest clothing and jewelry, but he doesn't flaunt his wealth. Instead, he uses it to help those in need, particularly in the soup kitchens he frequents in the city's poorer districts.   Korfel is also known for his fear of water. This phobia is not debilitating, but it is something that he struggles with every day. He avoids swimming, taking baths or showers, and even going out in the rain if he can help it. He has never been able to fully explain the origins of his fear, but it has become a defining characteristic of his personality.   Despite his fear of water, Korfel is a skilled and accomplished mage. He is well-versed in the arcane arts and is highly respected by his peers. Many seek his counsel and guidance on matters of magic and spellcasting. Korfel is also a skilled diplomat, often called upon to help negotiate disputes between different factions within the elven community.   Despite his many accomplishments, Korfel is a humble and approachable person. He is always willing to lend a listening ear and offer his assistance to those in need. He is a true friend to those who are lucky enough to know him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He served in the navy to pay for his family's outstanding loans. His father was a soldier and died while he was still young. Korfel was left his father's suit of armor and trained in its use and care. As of late he has set up a hidden staging nest where he ambushes people he hires for escort.

Personality Characteristics


To share knowledge with the world; and he is greedy

Virtues & Personality perks

Philantrophist, Logical

Vices & Personality flaws


Personality Quirks

He has a minor phobia of water and hates getting wet.



Nasally tone
Character Location
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
13th of Fallfrost
Year of Birth
309 AoU 46 Years old
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Goblin

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