Nedda Swiftwhistle Character in Kadour | World Anvil

Nedda Swiftwhistle

Nedda Swiftwhistle, a female halfling commoner, is an imposing figure despite her small stature. Her light skin and auburn hair, neatly braided into a two-foot-long plait, add to her distinctive appearance. Brown eyes, slightly larger than usual, observe the world with a quiet intensity. Adorned in vibrant and colorful clothing befitting her role as a Bather, she stands out in a crowd.   Raised in a white middle-class family, Nedda is the only child. Following in the footsteps of her mother and brother, she embraced the path of becoming a Bather. Despite her physically imposing presence, she carries a quiet and reserved demeanor, preferring to listen rather than speak. Nonverbal communication is her forte, nodding in understanding and conveying her thoughts without words.   Nedda's upbringing instilled a strong aversion to corruption and racketeering. She views these acts as crimes of the highest magnitude, harboring a deep-seated disdain for those who engage in such activities. Despite her imposing appearance, Nedda is hesitant to reveal her true self, burdened by the expectations and ideals imposed by others.   Terrified of the consequences of stepping out of line, Nedda's actions are often motivated by fear. Her journey unfolds against a backdrop of expansion in the Bather business, a world where she navigates with caution, driven by a mix of apprehension and the need for self-preservation. As she treads the path laid out for her, Nedda grapples with the internal conflict between the person she is and the person others expect her to be.
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