Katharos, God of Purity

Katharos, the Fallen God of Purity, was once a revered deity among the pantheon of divine gods. He was known for his blessings of pure gifts to his followers, granting them with virtuous qualities such as honesty, loyalty, and charity. But when the corruption of Malak, God Of Corruption, began to spread across the divine realm, Katharos saw his gifts as being spoiled and corrupted by the malicious influence of Malak.   Katharos became obsessed with reclaiming his gifts and purifying them of any corruption that may have seeped in. In his quest for purity, he became increasingly intolerant of anything he deemed impure or unclean, including the very people he once blessed. He became cold and distant, often refusing to aid those who sought his blessings if they did not meet his strict standards of purity.   This obsession eventually led to his downfall. He began to see the pleasure that others took in their gifts as a form of corruption, and his hatred for Chara, Goddess Of Pleasure, grew until it consumed him. He saw her as the epitome of all that was impure and corrupt in the world.   It was during a battle between the gods that Katharos was tricked by Chara, Goddess Of Pleasure and Portes, God of Doors, and sealed away where he remains to this day, consumed by his hatred for all that is impure and corrupted, waiting for the day when he can be freed and continue his quest for purity.   Despite his fall from grace, there are still those who worship Katharos, seeing him as a symbol of purity and perfection. They believe that one day he will be redeemed and once again bless the world with his pure gifts.   However, many see him as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of obsession and intolerance. They believe that his fall from grace serves as a reminder that even the most divine among us are not immune to corruption and that the pursuit of purity can sometimes lead to the darkest of paths.


Marina, Goddess Of Justice


Towards Katharos, God of Purity


Katharos, God of Purity


Towards Marina, Goddess Of Justice

