The Fade

The Fade, also known as the realm of death, is a mysterious and ghostly place that lies beyond the veil of life in Kadwin. It is said that when a living being's body dies, their soul is whisked away to the Fade, where it awaits its ultimate fate.   Chara, Goddess Of Pleasure and Katharos, God of Purity are the ones who guided the souls of the departed in the Fade, helping them to find their way to the afterlife or to be sealed away if they are corrupted. The fate of a soul depends on how they lived their life, whether they were pure of heart or consumed by the darkness of corruption.   Very little is known about the Fade, as it is a realm shrouded in mystery and fear. Those who have journeyed there, either in life or in death, speak of a ghostly realm filled with shadows and echoes, where time seems to move in strange and unpredictable ways. It is not uncommon for restless souls to breach back into the world from the Fade, taking on ghostly forms and haunting the living. Undead, specters, and other deathish creatures are often the result of souls who were unable to find their way to the afterlife, or whose spirits were tainted by the corruption that seeped into the realm.   The Fade itself was not even spared from the touch of corruption, and its effects on the realm are not well understood. Some believe that the corruption has twisted and warped the realm, turning it into a dark and dangerous place where the souls of the departed must fight for their survival. Others believe that the corruption has simply made it more difficult for the souls to find their way to their final resting place, leading to more and more spirits becoming trapped in the realm. This spurried on new rituals to be performed over the bodies of the dead to help ease their passing to a place of rest.