Olysenna Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Lady of House Raendor and married to Arthindon , Prince of The Royal House of Kaevil   Mother of Arlyth and Elorin   Her marriage to Arthindon had been arranged for entirely diplomatic reasons by the previous king (Edregard I and Olysenna's father, in order to secure crown support for House Raendor and valuable military aid and materials for The Royal House of Kaevil.   Neither bride nor groom had met each other before their betrothal was announced and it was an unhappy match from the start.
It is said that on their first meeting, Arthindon mistook Olysenna's lady-in-waiting for his bride-to-be and greeted her happily before his error was pointed out, at which point his dissatisfaction with the match became evident.   The relationship never really recovered from that first mis-step.  It is possible that Arthindon might have sought a change to the arrangement but Edregard I died before that could happen and Arthindon and Olysenna both felt they had no choice but to proceed to fulfil the late king's wishes.   Olysenna's life in Sildern was bleak in many ways.  Her husband was often absent, citing his duties against the Trolls and their kindred, and her provincial northern-ways and manners made her ill suited to life at the royal court.  She was taken under the wing of the Dowager Queen Vensensa, her mother-in-law who gave her some social support and backing.   Those who know of Vensensa's reputation might be surprised at this show of kindness, but it must be considered that her dislike of her eldest son's wife Melvenna was well known, or at least suspected, and it is unfortunately probable that Vensensa was cultivating Olysenna more as an ally than a friend.    Whatever the motivation however the two women became a powerful source of soft-power in Sildern with a great deal of influence socially and (some say) politically.    They and their clique often wore an emblem of a delicately wrought rose made of steel as a brooch or pin, and they were known as Sharp-Stems.   She bore Arthindon two sons who took after their father in looks and manners.   The eldest, Arlyth  was devoted to his mother and she to him.   When he was killed at the age of only 22 in an accident at a tournament, in the same year that her ally Vensensa died of a fever (the year 857), Olysenna became withdrawn and bitter and could be excused for so doing.   Her younger son, Elorin favoured his father and was little comfort to his mother beyond that which duty demanded.


820 AS 881 AS 61 years old
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