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Prayer to the Desert Mother

The eternal refugees who spend their lives travelling across the vast desert that covers the interior of Rodinia have endured such despair and hardship over the centuries that they became religious in order to draw emotional stamina and strength from their divine source.   "The Faithful", as they refer to themselves, believe that the desert itself is their "mother", that She cares for and about them, and that She makes The Faithful strong by putting them through constant hardship, but never more than they can take.   They believe that She looks down upon them, Her children, at all times, observing and also watching over them, in eternal vigilance.   They fear offending Her, so they don't create statues, paintings, or images of humans or animals. Instead, they create intricate mosaics, breathtakingly beautiful, using any color that can be found in sand or sandstone. These mosaics often contain what look like waves, but are actually sand dunes. Their artistry has been honed to an astonishly fine craft over the years.   At the end of every day, after they have set up their massive tent city, cared for their animals, fed everyone, completed their chores, and are preparing to settle in for the evening, each one of The Faithful privately and silently recites a prayer to The Desert Mother. Over the years, this prayer has become almost a mantra. All Faithful know it, and reciting it gives them comfort that their lives, although very hard, have meaning and purpose.  
"Thank you, O Desert Mother, for providing us with another day of life.
Thank you for keeping us warm during the day.
Thank you for keeping us cool during the night.
Thank you for showing us the path we will take tomorrow in the stars above.
We are ever your obedient servants.
Watch over us, your humble children."

Image generated by DeepAI. (2024). AI Image Generator. DeepAI.


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Aug 20, 2024 00:57 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful tradition and connection to their world.

Aug 22, 2024 17:33 by Alan Robinson

Thank you very much. It really seemed to make these people feel three-dimensional and "real".