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Predator Aversion Device, or PAD

Pavageaux is a large settlement that was developed in the middle of a huge swamp. Its unique location offers some benefits.  
  • None of the other six kingdoms of Rodinia wants this land, so there will probably never be a war for this land.
  • The massive mangrove forests provide a natural shelter against extreme flooding and weather events.
  • The dense vegetation provides a constant source of food for the inhabitants.
  • The incredibly diverse array of plant life provides a large assortment of cooking herbs and curative agents.
  However, as you might assume, living in the middle of a massive swamp has its drawbacks, as well.  
  • The remote nature of the settlement means travel to locations outside the swamp is very long and arduous.
  • The stagnant waters are a perfect laboratory for the creation of dangerous fungi, molds and infectious diseases.
  • All structures built in this environment need to be put on stilts, float on the water, or else hover above it.
  The largest drawback by far is the constant threat from large predators, such as bull sharks, crocodiles, and drow koi. The threat is so great, the Pavageaux Administration spent a large portion of its budget to commission a large team of engineers and scientists to come up with a solution to this problem. After years of observation and testing, the commission determined that all three kinds of predators were sensitive to electromagnetic fields. They wanted a second, different, layer of defense, so they continued their research. A year later, they determined that the three predators will avoid an area they deem to be claimed by a larger predator.   Five years after the formation of the commission, a tested and proven solution was presented to the Administration. The commission had developed a bracelet that could be worn on an ankle or a wrist. This bracelet contained a tiny electromagnetic generator that would repel the three major predators by overwhelming their electromagnetic sensitivity. As a second layer of protection, the bracelet contained a trace amount of both ammonia and humanoid urea. The three major predators would smell the scent combination, assume that the area was claimed by a predator as large as or large than themselves, and they would avoid the area.   Since the distribution of these protective devices, attacks have dropped by 88%. Efforts are underway to improve the device's effectiveness.

Image generated by DeepAI. (2024). AI Image Generator. DeepAI.


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