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The Ceremonies, Rituals, and Other Practices of the Angweh Elves

The elves that inhabit the nation known as The Pillar of Angweh are more spiritual than religious. Their entire philosophical outlook is seen through the lens of Nature itself. Their practices are very reminiscent of those found in the Druidism, Taoism, and Wiccan paths. Following are specific examples of some of the ceremonies and rituals Angweh Elves observe:   Baptism - Elves baptize using the four natural elements. Air: Some elves climb a hill or mountain and bathe themselves in the strong winds at their peak. Earth: Some elves enter a dark cave, stay for a few days, and then re-emerge reborn. Fire: Some elves jump over a bonfire, and some walk on hot coals. Water: Some elves submerge oneself in water, usually either a pond or spring. Some elves go so far as to baptize themselves using all four elements, although this is rare.
  • Holy Days - They observe seasonal cusp events, such as equinoxes and solstices. They also mark each of the thirteen full moons with a quiet midnight hike.
  • Mantras - Each elf develops their own selection of mantras, used to focus their thoughts as they enter a meditative state.
  • Meals - They eat seven small meals every day; each one is considered a special event, all food is meticulously prepared, and no one ever eats alone if they can possibly help it.
  • Meditation - They meditate as a form of sleep, but they also meditate at other times as a way to clear their minds and put their bodies' energies and rhythms in synch with the rhythms of Nature.
  • Pilgrimage - Many elves walk the long trek to see their people's greatest religious achievement, The Pillar of Angweh; they circle the structure twenty-eight times, the number of days in the lunar cycle.
  • Places of Worship - There are no formal churches or shrines; rather, they find areas of extremely evocative beauty, name them, document their location, and revisit them whenever they want to feel truly connected to the spirits of Nature.

Image generated by DeepAI. (2024). AI Image Generator. DeepAI.


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