The Everglade Insurgency Military Conflict in Kahmarak | World Anvil
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The Everglade Insurgency

Pavageaux is the name of a huge human city built in the middle of a massive swamp. Most of the buildings are constructed on stilts to keep them aobve and out of the water. City Hall and other administrative offices are located in buildings that float above the swamp, suspended by balloons that are filled with swamp gas.   About a century ago, the city's leadership decided to levy a very heavy tax on all real estate in the swamp. This understandably made the populace furious. Protests began, but were unsuccessful in changing the administration's minds. Then, rioting began. Again, leadershop was not swayed.   The populace felt they had no choice but to conduct terrorist attacks against the city itself. They congregated in small groups in secret and planned out hundreds of small hit and run raids designed to disrupt city services and operations, to force the administration to come to the bargaining table.   The leadership assembled and mobilized a specialized military force. They conscripted a force of aerial and naval pilots, along with a small armada of swamp gas-filled zeppelins and flat-bottom boats, to scour the swamps for these malcontents and rabblerousers, flush them out, and arrest them.   The military campaign was a debacle and a disaster. The zeppelins floating above the swamp couldn't see through the dense canopy of trees and judzu that shaded the waters. The flat-bottomed boats had a terrible time navigating the swamp because daily tides and seasonal changes in water levels caused rivers to divert and shorelines to move with surprising rapidity.   After twenty years and nothing to show for their efforts, the city's leadership was forced to change their tactics and come to the bargaining table.  Negotiations were brief before they stalled.  Then, the hit and run raids started again.  So, the administration called for a cease fire and came back to the bargaining table.  This time, the opposition came to the bargaining table but refused to end the strikes, so the ruling party were motivated to negotiate quickly and in good faith.   Eventually, after two years of tense negotiations, a tacit agreement was reached.  Taxes were significantly lowered, but not eliminated.  The opposition was not happy with the end result, but their members were tired of the endless conflict, so a peacful resolution was desired and achieved.   Hopefull, the city has learned an important lesson from the conflict.  Waging armed conflict in a dynamic environment like a swamp is an incredibly difficult undertaking, and they really need to consult with experts in small-scale warafr and swamp navigation if they ever hope to have a successful operation.

The Conflict


The battlefield was over and within the swamps of Pavageaux.  The aircraft performed almost no combat operations because of lack of visibility.  They did their best at aerial reconnaisance, but that was also very limited for the same reason.  The military's flat-bottomed boats traveled the swamps' rivers, streams, and inlets, searching for opposition forces, but their success was extremelu limited because hiding in a swamp is quite easy if one is familiar with the environment.
Start Date
The 20th day of the Kudzu Moon, in the year 1,198 D.Y.
Ending Date
The 2nd day of the Crocodile Moon, in the year 1,176 D.Y.


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