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The Prophecy of the Prognosticators of the Pillars

*NOTE: This world is actually the planet Earth, a billion years in the past.   The elvish Nature-oriented empire known as the Pillar of Angweh has a caste dedicated to divination. These acolytes spend their lives honing their discipline in a variety of ways, from study, meditation, reading tea leaves, casting runes or bones, taking psychedelic mushrooms, and much, much more.   Over the eons, they have honed their craft to such an extreme degree that, the longer in the future they look, the more accurate a prediction they can make. Some of their predictions are listed below:  
  • The current supercontinent that currently exists is the seventh this planet has experienced. It will eventually break up and re-form as another supercontinent, which will eventually break up, and so on. Fifty-seven supercontinents will form on this world before its eventual demise.
  • The next creature to become the dominant lifeform on this planet will be sentient sloths. Then, at some point, a supervolcano will erupt and wipe them out. Then, giant lizards will dominate the world, until a large asteroid strike will wipe them out. Then, humans will dominate for a time, until they wipe themselves out by drastically polluting the planet and therefore altering its climate. Then, sentient giraffes will dominate for a time, until they wipe themselves out by deforesting the world. Then, sentient cephalopods will dominate for a time, until they are wiped out by sentient shapeshifting oozes who seek to replace all animals and mammals on the planet. Then, the oozes will dominate for a time, until solar activity and a sudden reversal of the planet's magnetic field drastically alters the planet's climate. Then, plants will become sentient and dominate the globe until the world finally comes to an end.
  • The prognosticators are not sure how to interpret or understand how the world will actually meet its demise. The visions they have received seem to indicate that two other planets will approach our world and assault it with fiery beams of what looks to be lightning. The Pillar of Angweh will be long gone when this is supposed to occur, so the seers do not plan to seek clarification unless their elders request it.
The Prognosticators know exactly how and when their world will end. Even if it was within their power to avert or prevent it, they would not do so. They accept their fate, and they will face with the proper aplomb when it arrives. They have shared their findings with the elders of their society, and the elders have chosen to keep this information a secret from their people. They don't feel there is any reason to cause a panic, or to prompt any fearful or misguided elf to try to change their society's future. All things are born, live, and die; trying to change that process is as impudent as it is futile.

Image generated by DeepAI. (2024). AI Image Generator. DeepAI.


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