The Return of Toradin Document in Kahmarak | World Anvil
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The Return of Toradin

The Revered Kingdom of Undertop is a large and old society of dwarves. As such, the family lines are very long and difficult to trace. In order to perform this daunting task, the Undertop Historical Society (UHS) was founded to keep track of family lines, family trees, genealogies, heritages, and lineages throughout the Kingdom.   A few years ago, a UHS researcher was clearing out an old storage closet when he found a document stuffed into the closet's back wall. The document was titled "The Return of Toradin." Toradin was the son of one of the gods many dwarves worship, Moradin. Toradin lived and died thousands of years ago. This document predicts his return to the world of the living, and how he would reunite the various divergent dwarven families that have arisen since his departure. It is very specific as to when he will return.   The researcher showed the document to his immediate supervisor, who read it and was very interested. He showed it to his immediate supervisor, who read it and was very interested. The story spread like wildfire throughout the UHS, and then to all the families of the dwarves who worked for the UHS.   "The Return of Toradin" caused an intense stir among the Kingdom. Many dwarves eagerly anticipated the unity that was promised by the document. Other dwarves suspected they would lose political power under such an arrangement, so they started accusing the document of being a piece of fanciful fiction, written by some dwarf with an overactive imagination.   Obviously, at least one dwarf in the Kingdom fears the document will cause national tumult, because he or she stuffed it into a wall. It's a wonder why he or she didn't destroy it.   If the document is accurate, Toradin will appear during the next full lunar eclipse. Tensions are expected to rise until then.  Who knows if Toradin will return, or how he will appear, or what he will do if and when he appears.  Inquiring dwarves want to know.


The document predicts the return of Toradin, son of Moradin, god of the dwarves.  Toradin is expected to reunite the disparate factions and families of dwarves that have diverged since he left the world of the living.


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