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The Undertop Engineering Corps

Since the beginning of recorded history, the dwarves who created and inhabit the Revered Kingdom of Undertop have done everything in a very grandiose fashion. The Untertop Engineering Corps have done their level best to maintain that "Larger-Than-Life" tradition with every project they undertake.   1. The Great Forge is a gargantuan machine that harnesses geothermal energy from deep within the bowels of the earth and uses it to power a dozen bellows, each a thousand feet high, and it also powers a thousand sledgehammers that pound and fold metal automatically. This massive marvel of a machine is ten miles wide, more than a thousand feet tall, and has operated all day, every day, without fail, for thousands of years, without once ever needing to be shut off for maintenance or repair. This forge is used to make weapons, armor, doors, walls, gates, hinges, nails, and anything else the dwarves need for themselves or wish to sell to one of the other six kingdoms of Rodinia. It is truly a magnificent engineering marvel.   2. The Imperial Barracks is a massive apartment complex carved into a huge underground cliff face. There are 100 units on each level and 100 levels. Each apartment is about 10,000 square feet and all furniture, walls, and decor are literally carved out of the rock face. The Gothic architectural style seemed most appropriate considering the medium that was utilized. The beds are firm and the furniture is indestructible, so repairs are almost unheard of. The Corps achieved this amazing engineering feat in the space of one year's time.   3. The Grand Reservoir was designed to hold all water necessary to support the Kingdom's activities. A massive hole was carved into the stone floor underneath the mountain, a mile deep and fifty miles in circumference. The water is used for bathing and watering crops, dwarves boat, fish, and swim along its surface, and all sorts of lifeforms lurk within its depths. Plans are underway to create a submersible vehicle to allow dwarves to go all the way to the bottom and see what they find there; legend has it a kraken lurks down there, but no one can explain how it got there.   Dwarves might be shorter than humans, but they don't do anything small, and the dwarves of the Revered Kingdom of Undertop are no different. Whenever an idea occurs to them, they seem to have an inherent compulsion to think of how that idea can be implemented on a gargantuan scale.

Image generated by DeepAI. (2024). AI Image Generator. DeepAI.


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