Theriatis Dalanthan, a.k.a. "The Emissary" Character in Kahmarak | World Anvil
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Theriatis Dalanthan, a.k.a. "The Emissary"

I was born in a large old house on the Sea of Peace, which surrounds the Pillar of Angweh. My father is a fifth-generation arborist, my mother is an ornithologist, and I have eleven brothers and sisters. Ever since I was born, I felt a deep connection to the natural world around me. Part of this came from simply being an elf. Part of it came from following my father on long treks through the woods, so he could gauge the health of the trees around us. Part of this came from my mother teaching me about birds and their crucial place within our ecosystem.   One day, when I was 35 years old, I entered a deep state of meditation, and I did not exit it for over a year. During that time, I did not eat or drink, yet I did not waste away. Somehow I drew what nourishment I required from the energies of Nature around me. Of course my family worried about me, but they could see that I wasn't wasting away, so they left me where I was and kept a watch over me.   When I finally awoke from my hibernation, I was a changed man. Physically, my hair, eyes, and skin had lightened to a great degree, my eyes had gone from round to almond-shaped, and my ears had become longer and pointier. Additionally, I had developed the ability to communicate with any plant or animal, and I knew how to help them communicate with one another. I had become an ambassador to Nature.   My family and friends felt a gap had grown between us, but they tried to support and encourage me as best as they knew how. Other elves saw me as the ultimate evolution of elf kind. They saw me as some kind of messiah. They begged me to bless their children or their gardens, or to help them understand their pets, or help them what their plants or flowers needed and lacked.   I couldn't leave my house without being surrounded by a mob of supplicants. I wanted to help them all, but there weren't enough hours in the day. If I left without helping everyone around me, people became upset or offended.   Eventually, I felt I had no choice but to go into hiding. One night, I said farewell to my family and headed off deep into the woods. I sleep in a cave and live off the land. The forest provides everything I need to survive.   I feel my talents are being wasted, but I don't know what else to do. I simply can't help everyone who wants or needs it. There are too many people that need me.
Current Location
197 years old
Ice Blue and almond-shaped
Platinum Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Icy pale flesh-colored skin
6 feet 8 inches tall
169 pounds
Pure Nature Worshiper


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