Gulchbloom Species in Kaigan | World Anvil
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Picked by Copperheads after a magical storm, Gulchbloom is one of the most sought after resources for the inhabitants of Coppergulch Harborage as it the main ingredient used in Gulchdraft.


In it’s dormant state Gulchbloom looks like a dried out vine that once would have grown within the Crack and hasn’t withered away yet. Gluchbloom absorbs potent magical energy from the magical storms that come through the Crack. This magical energy is transformed into flowers, which color changes depending on the type and potency of the magical storm. Once the storm is gone, the flowers will slowly loose their magical power, turning brown again and crumbling into dust.


Gulchdraft is the most iconic alcoholic beverage available in Coppertown. It is only sold within Coppertown and getting a glass outside the Crack is a very rare occasion as it is not commonly sold in Kaigan. Copperheads only give a bottle or a barrel of Gulchdraft as a gift for significant trading partners.   The Gulchbloom flowers get picked quickly after the storm to preserve as much of their absorbed magical energy as possible. The flowers steep during the boiling process when making the ale, transferring the magical energy from the flowers to the liquid before the fermenting process starts.   Since the type of storm and the time of picking effect the type and the potency of the magical effects within Gulchdraft, no barrel is the same in terms of magical effects. After drinking Gluchdraft the magic that was in the alcohol will serge through the drinker’s body, resulting in different magical effect to happen to the drinker.


At first the people of Coppergulch Harborage didn’t think much of the brown death-looking vines that grew in the Crack the dwarves who settles Coppertown had expected the plant to have died in one of the magical storms, but nothing was less true. After the first storm the dwarves witnessed, the normally death-looking plant had flowered, filling the vines with many colorful flowers.

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Cover image: by Eallixy using Artbreeder


Author's Notes

Thank you for reading my article and I hope you enjoyed it! Likes and comments are always greatly appreciated and feedback is more than welcome :) Please do not share my work outside of the WA site or the WA discord without consent and please tag or notify me if you dropped a link on before mentioned platforms, thanks in advance.

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Jul 22, 2021 15:28 by Chris L

Now for the random table of magical effects!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jul 22, 2021 20:09 by Eallixy

Yep! Those are like a lot of work though and I'm not going to spend my SC time making one of those :p, they might or might not come eventually if I keep at it once SC is over.

Jul 23, 2021 20:29 by Time Bender

Wow, that would be pretty crazy to drink that and like, start floating or something, I don't really know what all it could cause! :o

Jul 24, 2021 11:21 by Eallixy

Haha yeah it's weird in a bar where that is served. I imagine things like changing colour of hair and skin and such as one of the effects, short duration floating is also fun!

Jul 25, 2021 19:06 by Time Bender

I can imagine it would get pretty weird! I love it. :D