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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The deceleration of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the summer of 1918 was meant to be the start of a new era for Russia, in many ways it was. In none of those ways, was it to the liking of those who made that deceleration.   Two years after the USSR was ranted into existence by Vladimir Lenin its leader was dead, its capital fallen, and its territories restricted to a small (by Russian standards) land on the south side of the Caucasus mountains. Aside from exploiting the collapse of the Ottoman Empire to expand its borders slightly into Anatolia, the USSR has been stuck in this position ever since, protected by its formidable natural defences, and no less by the immobility of the Russian government. Yet impotent in its ideological mission to liberate the worker and institute an equal industrial paradise for all.   However, the dismal and bloody failure of nearly twenty years ago has not diminished the fervour of the State's adherents, much less their blood thirsty nature. That the Union was declared almost immediately after the murder of the Tsar and his family is a coincidence too good to be accidental. In their brief reign over an ever shrinking territory the Bolsheviks found the time to confiscate land, property, businesses, churches, possessions, livelihoods and lives. All in a series of "purges" that forever changed the connotations of that word in more languages than Russian. Now, confined to a mountainous exile, such terrors have continued, lessened at times, but never truly unabated. Anyone may find themselves a target of the State's ire and its agents, whether in the "Cheka" or its successor the NKVD (Peoples' Commissariat for Internal Defence). There is no telling when a knock on your door in the middle of the night will portend the doom of yourself and your family.   No one is safe, even the "Old Bolsheviks" who started the revolution are gone save "Koba". Lenin's enforcer and chief of expropriations in the days before the revolutions. The rest a now a litany of ever more forgotten names, with "shot", "shot while trying to escape", "murdered", "sentenced to 10 years in a prison camp without the right to correspond", which is an official euphemism for "shot", making up all causes of death; for those who have one; among the generation of communists who plunged Russia into civil war for the sake of their dream of a workers paradise.   Now, the Soviet Union lies under the grip of Joseph Vassirionivich Dzugashili, now known as Stalin known as "Koba" in Tsarist times, he has led the Union since the death of Vladimir Lenin. Under his rulership the Union has been ruthless in crushing internal enemies wherever they may be found, and has dedicated much of its time to undermining and weakening the Russian government to the north, in the hopes they will be able to reclaim all that rightfully belongs to the USSR.
Leader: Vladimir Lennin 1918-1920 (As President of the Central Comittee of the Communist Party) Joseph Stalin 1920- (As General Secretary of the Communist Party)
Geopolitical, Country
Land Area: Population: Ethnicites: Georgian; Armenian, Azeri, Russian, Turkish, Kurdish. Languages: Russian, Georgian, Armenian etc. Armed Forces: Red Army, Red Navy, Red Air Force Currency: Ruble

War, albeit with an unofficial ceasefire several years long.

Since the fall of Moscow, Communist government in the former Russian Empire has been restricted to Transcaucasia. However the communists see present Russian government as illegitimate, but they are too weak to attack even the paralysed Russian Republic

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