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1. Orientation

General Summary

Ithryn Galaxath, Lailyn Vatumleth, and Thriss Valdiiryn arrived together at Spelljammer Academy and were immediately thrust into a simulation of the battle of H’Catha to test their ability to function under pressure. After a few rounds of combat, Boatswain Tarto debriefed the new recruits and gave them a list of orientation tasks to complete:


Orientation Tasks


TASK: Collect welcome pack from Administration


The new recruits headed to Administration first to collect their welcome packs from Sor'Kur. Each pack included the following gear:

  • A red-level cadet uniform (plus spare)
  • A toiletry bag
  • A 50 gp requisition voucher to spend at the academy stores
  • A blue-level security badge for visiting the Sky Dock during orientation


Sor'kur gave them a rundown of the academy's security levels:

  1. Green (Visitor): Administration (except Record Room), Sea Dock (except Cargo area), Simulations Deck (except Officers’ Mess)
  2. Red (Cadet): Cadet Quarters, Gymnasium, Spelljammer Nexus, Stores
  3. Blue (Sailor): Sea Dock (Cargo area), Sky Dock
  4. Purple (Officer): Administration (Record Room), Simulations Deck (Officers’ Mess)
  5. Gold (Bridge): Bridge Quarters


TASK: Report to Quarters for bunk assignment


Giff duty officer, Officer Martha Gladstone, gave each new recruit their bunk assignment. Thriss was assigned an airy bunk next to a window, near the laundry. Another cadet, a moon elf named Veena, tried to bully Thriss into switching bunks (her's was an unkempt bunk in the noisiest section of the dorm, just outside the washrooms) and Thriss was ready to switch to avoid a conflict, but Ithryn and Lailyn stood up to her and her group of three other cadets. Lailyn used her primal savagery to intimidate them into backing down.


TASK: Report to Sky Dock for Spelljamming ship inspection


Kip and Pik Whistleslap gave the recruits a tour of a Space Galleon. During the inspection, Thriss witnessed a Hobgoblin academy officer that was supervising the unloading of a merchant ship surreptitiously slip a Tiefling merchant a platinum piece. In return, the tiefling handed the hobgoblin a small bottle, which the officer concealed in his pocket. Thriss chose to keep this observation to himself.


TASK: Collect service weaponry from Mister Blip in Stores


The recruits met Mister Blip and spent their vouchers on various items. As a Spelljamming Corp Cadet, Thriss was issued one weapon at no cost.


TASK: Report to Spelljammer Nexus for basic training


Ithryn and Lailyn headed to the Spelljammer Nexus while Thriss spent some time at the Cadet Bar. Saerthe Abizjn instructed them on how to operate a Spelljamming Helm. During Lailyn's training, they asked her “What life event in your past drove you to live in this moment, right now?” Lailyn spoke of seeing the sky for the first time and having a strong desire to learn everything she could about it. During Ithryn's training, they asked them “Tell me honestly—who among your friends and fellow cadets do you most respect?” Ithryn didn't need to take any time to think about it and answered that it is Lailyn.


TASK: Complete Gymnasium assault course


Upon entering the Gymnasium, the three of them were greeted by a disembodied voice named "Ivan", who gave them a quick rundown of the assault course. Ithryn finished first while Lailyn and Thriss struggled to make it through. Lailyn finished strong, but Thriss seemed to have a hard time throughout the entire course.


When all of their tasks were completed, they reported back to Boatswain Tarto in the Simulations Deck. Ithryn gave a verbal report of the group's orientation. Boatswain Tarto assigned them one last task: Deliver a crate labeled "For Mirt" that came in with the day's shipment of fresh supplies to Mirt the Merciless's quarters.


On their way to Mirt's quarters, Thriss thought he felt something move in the crate. The three of them took a moment to watch and listen to see if it happened again. When nothing happened after a while, they continued carrying it to its destination. When they reached Mirt's quarters, the door was slightly ajar and they could hear him snoring inside. Lailyn announced their arrival and woke him up. He was clearly hungover and grumbled at them to put the crate down and open it as quietly as they could. As soon as they opened it, 8 Neogi Hatchlings poured out and began to attack. Thriss froze up and was taken down by several of the hatchlings before he had a chance to shake himself out of it. Ithryn and Lailyn were also overwhelmed and were knocked out. Meanwhile, Mirt struggled to get out of bed and get his pants on. The hatchlings converged on Mirt since he was the only person still standing. Thriss regained consciousness and used his potion to get Lailyn back up. Lailyn healed Ithryn, and with everyone up, they were able to kill off the last of the hatchlings just as Mirt finished getting dressed and several guards rushed into the room accompanied by Mister Blip.


Mister Blip informs Mirt that this attack was a diversion and while their forces were being drawn here, more burgleries were reported across the academy. The thief has struck again! The new recruits learned that previously, several navigational charts depicting @Realmspace were stolen from the Spelljammer Nexus. The guards collected their temporary security badges and dismissed them to Quarters. Mirt thanked them and tossed each of them an ingot worth 50 gp, and quietly asked for their discretion regarding his state before and during the fight.


The three of them returned to Quarters and had dinner and a few drinks on the patio. After dinner, they headed over to the bar and partook in some drinking contests before calling it a night.

Star Date

Report Date
28 Aug 2022
Primary Location


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