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6. Astral Rain

General Summary

Part 1: Astral Blights

During a meteor shower, Ithryn Galaxath, Lailyn Vatumleth, and Thriss Valdiiryn spotted something slam into the ground nearby. They investigated and found something that resembled a seed at the center of a small crater. Thriss seemed to recognize what it was and warned everyone to get away from it just as an enormous, sinuous crystalline vine erupted from it and took root deep into the earth. They heard the sounds of people panicking as more vines erupted all over Dremen. The vines began sprouting smaller crystalline vines that uprooted themselves and attacked anyone within reach.

A building collapsed as a crowd of thirty or so commoners fled to the docks, killing half of them and injuring Ithryn, Lailyn, and Thriss. A woman with the look of a sailor helped them to their feet and invited them to join her as she fled the planet aboard her ship. She immediately headed toward the docks without waiting for a reply. They quickly tended to their wounds and made their way to the docks as well.

Part 2: Trouble at the Docks

When they arrived, the scene at the docks was chaotic. Hundreds of people were swarming the piers, trying to push their way onto any vessel that hadn't set sail yet. A group of thugs in black leather armor were blocking access to the ships while loading them up with cargo under the supervision of a sneering man with long red hair. The woman that had invited them to join her at the docks approached them and introduced herself as Captain Elaina Sartell. She explained that one of the ships, the Moondancer, was hers and asked for their help getting past Traevus, the red-headed gang leader, and his thugs.

Ithryn, Lailyn, and Thriss helped Captain Sartell take out the nearby blights and approached Traevus. They tried intimidating him, but were unsuccessful and a fight broke out. Lailyn took out several of the thugs that were loading cargo while Captain Sartell, Ithryn, and Thriss focused on the ones blocking access to the ships. Thriss knocked out several of them, including Traevus, and made a point to not kill them. Some of the thugs ran onto the ship, but were swiftly removed by Ithryn and Thriss. Once the threat of Traevus' gang was dealt with, they helped as many people as they could board the Moondancer and took off for the heavens with Flapjack the flumph at the helm.

Part 3: Up and Away

Once they were clear of Kal Athrys!, Thriss spoke to Captain Sartell in private about what he believed was going on. Captain Sartell informed everyone that they were headed for the Rock of Bral and claimed she knew someone there that might be able to help. She made it clear that once they arrive, she'll steer them in the right direction but then they were on their own.

Ithryn, Lailyn, and Thriss helped the 60 or so passengers get settled and explored the ship once things calmed down. They found a dozen mules in the upper cargo hold and twenty 40-pound crates of assorted martial weapons and 500 bottles of brandy. The lower cargo hold was stocked with enough foodstuff and water to sustain ten people for thirty days. After exploring, they helped prepare dinner for everyone and settled down for the rest of the evening. Ithryn and Laylin confronted Thriss about his knowledge and possible connection to the Xaryxian Empire. Thriss denied having any foreknowledge of the attack on Kal Athrys and swore he had no allegiance to the empire. Lailyn decided not to address Thriss talking to himself yet.

The Star Moth

The next day, the Moondancer slowed as another ship came into view, approaching from astern. The pursuing vessel looked like a giant moth with wings made of iridescent crystal, similar in colour and lustre to the crystalline vines that ravaged their world. It was undoubtedly a Star Moth. They could just make out figures on the other vessel’s deck scrambling to arm the ship’s mangonel.

Star Date

Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location


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