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Welcome to Kal Athrys! (KAL ATH-riss)

Kal Athrys is the third planet within Realmspace and is home to myriad humanoid species. The Northwestern most continent, Encladia, is populated by humans (25%), elves (20%), half-elves (15%), halflings (15%), gnomes (15%) and various other species (10%). Southeast of that is the Corydona Islands, home to many "beastlike" species, such as bugbears, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kenku, kobolds, and lizardfolk.

Further south is the Spelljammer Academy and Sathuhan. With the erection of the academy, Sathuhan has become a popular tourist destination with several port towns. East of Sathuhan is Drem, home of the planetary capital Dremen. Dremen is the largest city on Kal Athrys and is populated by nearly every species on the planet, and with the recent alliance with Gornax, some extraplanetary species.

The largest continent, Brelnot, is situated to the North of Drem. South Brelnot is populated by orcs (30%), half-orcs (25%), dwarves (20%), dragonborn (15%), and various other species (10%), while North Brelnot is populated by dwarves (40%), half-orcs (25%), orcs (20%), goliaths (10%), and various other species (5%).

Directly Southeast of Brelnot is Daz'dilv, a large island with the world's largest volcano, known as Mazmyr Jadtila, at its center. Daz'dilv remains somewhat mysterious, even in this modern age, and is suspected to be home to many tieflings and yuan-ti.

Kal Athrys

Distance from Sun
3.2 x 108 km (2 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
4.8 x 109 km (30 days travel)

Han and Endra

The Planetary Alliance



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