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Welcome to Realmspace!

Realmspace is a system made up of eight worlds orbiting a yellow sun. All the worlds of Realmspace have creatures and plants of one sort or another living on them. Kal Athrys is the most Earthlike, while the outer worlds (Glyth, Garden, and H’catha) are on the other end of the spectrum.

Locations in Realmspace

Inner Worlds


1. Anadia


Distance from Sun
8.0 x 107 km (12 hours travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
5.1 x 109 km (31½ days travel)


The surface of Anadia is an expanse of badlands and dry washes except at its poles, where the land flattens out into gently rolling, fertile hills dotted with forests and patches of grassland. Communities of halflings occupy the polar areas, while the barren wastes are populated by monstrous predators and scavengers.

2. Coliar


Distance from Sun
1.6 x 108 km (1 day of travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
5.0 x 109 km (31 days travel)


This gas giant has a multitude of earth and water islands swirling around in its turbulent winds. These islands are occupied mostly by aarakocra, lizardfolk, and dragons. The lizardfolk, in particular, are accustomed to trading with spacefaring folk.

3. Kal Athrys


Distance from Sun
3.2 x 108 km (2 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
4.8 x 109 km (30 days travel)


Kal Athrys is the most populous world in Realmspace and home to some of the most powerful individuals in this system.

4. Karpri


Distance from Sun
4.8 x 108 km (3 days of travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
4.7 x 109 km (29 days travel)


This water world has icecaps at its poles and vegetation-choked waters in its equatorial region. In between, on either side of the equatorial zone, are bands of featureless ocean—nothing but water as far as the eye can see. Most of the planet’s indigenous creatures are aquatic and dwell in the tropical sargasso, since the planet has no land masses that can support life.

5. Gornax


Distance from Sun
6.4 x 108 km (4 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
4.5 x 109 km (28 days travel)


Gornax is 90% ocean and contains a vast network of underwater cities—many of which are miles high, jutting out of the ocean. Some of the largest cities contain several sky ports and Spelljamming bases. The largest shipyard within Realmspace is located on Gornax's moon, Chandos.

Outer Worlds


6. Glyth


Distance from Sun
1.6 x 109 km (10 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
3.5 x 109 km (22 days travel)


Spelljamming ships known as nautiloids patrol the space within 100 million miles of Glyth and hide behind the planet’s three moons. This is not surprising because mind flayers are the undisputed masters of Glyth. The planet’s air smells like it came from a charnel house, but it is not poisonous. The surface of the planet is a desolate wasteland, but beneath the crust is a labyrinth of subterranean caves inhabited by mind flayer colonies.

7. Garden


Distance from Sun
1.9 x 109 km (12 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
3.2 x 109 km (20 days travel)


Garden is a cluster of seven planetoids inside a common air envelope, each of them linked to the others by the roots of an unimaginably large plant sometimes referred to as Yggdrasil’s Child. Wildspace travelers sometimes come to Garden to restock their food, water, and air.

Garden is a refuge for spacefaring pirates, who hide their spelljamming ships in the maze of passageways that run between Yggdrasil’s Child and the planetoids, and might do the same in the craters and canyons on any of Garden’s eleven moons.

8. H’catha


Distance from Sun
2.6 x 109 km (16 days travel)

Distance to Astral Sea
2.6 x 109 km (16 days travel)


H’catha is a disk of water floating in space, with a single large mountain called the Spindle jutting from its center. The water disk tapers at the edge to form a rim. The Spindle is 200 miles across at its base, and tapers to a peak 1,000 miles above the surface of the water. The caverns inside the Spindle are home to five warring subspecies of beholders.


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