Aelric Hargrave Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Aelric Hargrave

His brothers were soldiers, his father was a soldier, his grandfather was a soldier, he is also a soldier. His trade is war, his implements, cold steel, his attire, garments of iron, his home, the guardhouse, the keep, the marching camp. Growing up on the outskirts of Earlmand, on land acquired buy his ancestors through military service to the Kingdom of Geldheim, from a young age, he was constantly surrounded by proud warriors of the kingdom. He was well versed in outdoorsmanship and survival, as well as going with his family on campaign as a camp follower, learning how to care for and repair weapons and armour, as well as run supplies where they needed to be. As he grew, so did his roles, until he was standing on the battlefield shoulder to shoulder with his brothers in service to the King. He now resides at Talons Keep, where he is captain to a unit of Kingdom heavy infantry based there called “The Ironguard”. These he leads into thick fighting on battlefield on behalf of the King. For the Glory of the Kingdom!
Current Location
Year of Death
1256 AE
Circumstances of Death
Aelric and the party he was leading went missing and are presumed dead.
Place of Death
Northern wastes
Ruled Locations