The Kingdom of Geldheim Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Geldheim

Once ruled over all of Ashnoor, since the end of the Succession War and the rising of The Erayax Hordefrom the north, the Kingdom retreated South. Its Capital is Bannockthorpe. Feudal in government. Run by nobility that is by birthright. There subjects are well cared for on average, the nobles knowing there people personally and catering for their needs and in return the people support their direct Noble in charge. That being the ones who own land the serfs live and work. Generally speaking, the title of noble cannot be achieved by the common classes. Marriage is a strong focus regarding alliances. Some but small skirmishes over internal infighting, usually over matters of honour or land. Commoners enjoy days of celebration via the graces of their nobles, from small days of local importance, like a new noble birth or wedding, to grand games hosted by many nobles. Usually in the form of competitions, boasting and war games. The Kingdom of Geldheim is currently rules by King Allard. He and his wife, Isolda (an old and popular name among Kingdom nobility have 3 children. Princess Arianna (next in line for the throne barring any unfortunate events.), Prince Kelto (another favoured old name) and Princess Ostel. King Allard has reigned for approximately 26 years.
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