Arminius saxinii Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Arminius saxinii

As seen in

Arminius saxinii (a.k.a. The Woolly)

Arminius is the second born child of the Saxinii clan chief Vercing-Etorix. He is a young man who after his home's long fought freedom has been lost is now looking to improve himself by joining red company. Though able bodied and a fierce fighter he hopes that fighting as a new member of red company he can gain the experience to become a formidable battlefield leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arminius is a tall and broard young man. Who could be described as atheltic however his love of ale spoils it somewhat.

Facial Features

His facial hair is styled in the tradional way of a unmarried Saxinii, with all but his mustache shaved.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arminius is the second born child of the saxon cheif Vercing-Etorix. He was named after a notorious leader of the Bardaga hills tribes men, who through an alience between them and the saxinii became a dear friend of his farther. The Saxinii clan are group of barbarians that have a small agrocultural villiage hidden within the dense forests of pixiewood. It is said that the saxinii, Averi'Si and Visone are the only people that come close to knowing pixiewood as well as the fae. This has been proven many times through there battles with Duchy of moridales forces. Airminus may very well have never moved from pixiewood if it were not for the encroaching forces of the Hadovean empire and Kindom of Geldhiem. However, with both forces set to battle for the claim to the land Arminius has sought membership of Red Company in the hopes that he may futher his military experience and use his peoples knowledge of pixiewood to remian a indipendant rebel clan.

Gender Identity





As a member of clan Saxinii, Arminius is extreamly knowledgeble of the geogaphy of Pixiewoods aswell as its flora and fauna. This is a simple fact for the Saxinii as existance within Pixiewood requires education in how to traverse and live with the woods. This has caused Arminius' geogaphy skills to be very proficient and he is now very skilled with maps and orientering. Futhermore, as a saxinii he has been trained since boyhood to be a man of battle. This is a cultural part of life for all saxinii children and Arminius has also attened his closest Barracks of Steel school. He is now a well disciplined warrior and skilled with the saxinii's iconic sword and sheild techniques. His has now joined Red Company in the hopes to learn a battle feild stratergy. Seeking a mentor so that he may one day be a capable comander.


Currently a member of Red company taking jobs as they come.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Arminius has successfully fought in a few battles and has proven himself a worth soilder. His proudest moment as of yet though is the planing of a sucessful ambush agaisnts Duchy of Moridale.

Failures & Embarrassments

Arminius aswell as all fighting age Clann na Coille now have to explain why their beloved woods now belong to the Hadovean Empire.

Intellectual Characteristics

Arminius is know to be very cautious when in a situation where he is unfamiler. This is a byproduct of the close relationship the Saxinii have with the fae of pixiewood. Though the saxinii and fae relationship is on great terms and has proven beneficial to both parties, being carless with ones words in conversations with pixies is always dangerous.

Morality & Philosophy

Arminus is a man who operates by a code. His values align with the Saxinii culture of never backing down, displaying discipline, loyalty and keeping your word. keeping your word has been a by product of ongoing connections with the fae in pixiewood who would use any excuse to enage in trikery.


Saxinii culture has a strict ban on disturbing or consuming fungi. Arminius refuses to touch any mushrooms. polygamy is also a Taboo in Saxinii culture.

Personality Characteristics


As a loyal and proud saxinii, Arminius main external motivation now is to support his people and try and help them contiue there rebal efforts against the Hadovean Empire. This consists of providing them with spying jobs, escorting Red Company men throgh pixiewood and helping smuggler caravans. As a personal motivation Arminius hopes to become a very sucessful and skilled battlefield leader and stratigest. Hoping to gain more experience and training in war stratergy with his knew membership in Red Company.

Vices & Personality flaws

Arminius can be quiet distrusting. He is also a extreamly competative, often becoming arngy at himself when he fails or is outdone by someone at somthing he cares greatly about. Arminius is also not well versed in diplomacy. His debating and persuasive skills are lackluster resluting in him often falling back on his combat skills to resolve confrontations. This is likely due to his lack of training in the subject as his older sister was next in line to be the political representaive for the Saxinii.

Personality Quirks

As with saxinii culture Arminus adorns war paint before each battle. He also tears a a strip off an enemies uniform to wear on his person, another Saxinii custom.


Arminius is often unkept, with wild blond dredlocks. This has earned him the name Woolly


Contacts & Relations

Arminius is now a low ranking member of Red Company. He Acts as a liaison between he Saxons and Reynard Grey the chief information officer for Red Company as the Saxinii provide inteligence from within Pixiewood. As an someone looking to improve his battlefeild leadership skills Arminius has fallen under the mentorship of Brett "the Collector" Lane. As a battle hardend NCO Brett has alot to offer Arminius. Arminius hopes to eventually have the opportunity to learn battle stratergy from Tombs. Arminius is the son of Saxinii chief Vercing-Etorix with a deep connection to the Saxinii people.

Family Ties

Arminius is the second born child of chief Vercing-Etorix and has some influence with in the Saxinii tribe. His older sister boudica is next in line to be chief and a very successful comander already. Though she will still have to be elected by popular vote amongst the Saxinii this is thought to be a formaility due to her extreame populaity already.

Religious Views

Along with most Saxinii people Arminius is a devout follower of Soeyre. Though All of the Ten Who Walked Amoung Us are worshipped by the Saxinii, Soeyre is of great value due to their relationship with fae. Their devotion to the god of mischief has served them well when dealing with the often tricky real owners of Pixiewood.

Social Aptitude

Arminius is a guarded person who subscribes to the ideal of "Say not always what you know, but always know what you say". This can often make him seem quiet and antisocial, However this often fades with people he trusts as he becomes quiet the chatterbox (especially when drunk).


Arminius has a very clear tell for when he is feeling uneasy or nervous. When faced with a uneasy or threatening situation he will often grab the hilt of his sword with his off hand. When not wearing the sword he will often still, unconsciously, place his left hand on his hip.

Wealth & Financial state

Ariminus does not have much in terms of liquid capital but is taking jobs as they come.
chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
As the son of the Saxinii chief Arminius is entilted to the the last name Saxon rather then being refered to as of Saxinii.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6ft 1 inches
110 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent comman and Clann na Coille tounge. conversational in Fae and Bardagan.