Red Company Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Red Company

A formal company of Sell Swords, Red Company members are not aligned to any faction and fight for coin. Born out of a previous Sell Sword company that disbanded Red Company got off to a shaky start with few resources to speak of and limited capital. Red Company commander, Major Tombs formed the company with a couple of former compatriots and a recently befriended former Admiral of the Kingdom of Geldheim most recently working as an independent trader/privateer. He too had fallen on hard times having lost his ship to a storm.


Major Tombs is the most senior rank or title of the House.
There are two Captains (Baelin who is second in command and Tall who is fleet master and provisioner)



Red Company Tenets:
    Honour all contracts firstly – we do NOT break a contract ever.
An alliance is a contract.
In the ‘field’ we fight all enemies, even if they’re also Red Company members hired to fight for both sides.
Get the job (contract) done at all costs.   Red Company is apolitical. As a neutral company of sell swords (mercenaries) it is openly recognized within Red Company that both factions have their strengths and weaknesses, their plusses, and minuses. If they pay, we play…
Outside of “work” the company is our priority. At times we may be contracted to fight opposite each other – we will always honour that idea as business, it is not personal.
We will lead when required.
Red Company does not respond to taunts.

Public Agenda

We're not swayed or interested in the politics of either faction, when we fight it is for coin and strictly business.


Newly aquired (Late 1256) and in the process of being renovated and fitted out is the Red Keep - the main "home" of Red Company.

The captured vessel "The Smuggler" is birthed on the river the Red Keep overlooks.
Rooms are kept and maintained in Doomsayers Keep

Sloop of War "Sparrow Hawk" has a berth at Doomsayer's Keep. The sloop is new and not fully fitted out presently. She has capacity to carry 18 cannon in total (including small bow and stern chasers), though currently lacking in guns.
Various firearms, firearm making and maintenance equipment, mounts (Ashnoor has a range of rideable animals) and paraphanalia.


Near the gates of Doomsayer’s Keep

Drawing deeply on the pipe, the embers glowed brightly in the late afternoon dusky light. Exhaling he studied the blue grey smoke as it drifted on a light afternoon breeze, Tombs contemplated the last few months…Or was it even longer?

He shifted uncomfortably, not that his perch beneath the shady tree was particularly uncomfortable, the discomfort came more from within. He had wrestled with his mood, morals, loyalty, and esteem for far too long now he decided. He had watched his friend slowly drift further away, he wondered if it was the horrific treatment from the Erayax when he’d been captured, Tombs had been instrumental in his rescue, such was his devotion. He wondered if it were perhaps the pressure of leadership forcing decision which, deep in his heart, Tombs could simply not abide. And, most uncomfortably, he had to look within and wonder if it were himself over reacting… He shifted again and drew on his pipe – another blue grey cloud.

The Red Book

Your gold is our bond

Founding Date
3 Bardaga 1255
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Leader Title
Red Company trade in Geldheim and Hadovean currency, gold, goods and services.
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles

Reliable Sell Sword company

Reliable Sell Sword company