Ashay Noor Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Ashay Noor (Ashnoor)

(a.k.a. The Vessel of Life)

Fertility goddess – Goddess of Restoration, Goddess of Agriculture, Goddess of spring.

Sacred objects: Urn, cauldron, mortar and pestle. Depictions or models of Ships

Ashay Noor is associated with safety and shelter - often sighted for protection consequently, "Protect me Ashay!" or "Ashay save us" etc.

There are no images as such of Ashay from the time they say she walked among mortals, although it is unclear exactly why, she is associated with forests, wild animals, the bountiful lands, birth and healing.

It is not unusual for healers from her region of influence to be followers. Herb lore is instructed as scripture for followers of Ashay - Noor. Healing arts are also generally taught/encouraged for all followers.

It is widely believed that Ashay’s influence is at its greatest during the spring months.


Whilst most closely linked to the healing arts, Ashay has a curious link also to sailors small hand carved models of sailing ships and depictions of boats are often found as tributes to Ashay Noor.

Of even greater importance though The Alma Aqueisce, the sacred diamond of force is said to have been one of Ashay Noor's possessions of divinity.

The Alma Aqueisce is held in Doomsayer's Keep as it has been for a thousand years.

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Ashay Noor is one of the Ten - Gods/Goddesses of Ashnoor
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