The Ten who walked among us. Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Ten who walked among us.

There are no images per se of the Ten from when they walked among mortals – Whilst some are depicted as mythical creatures or “strange” beings there is much conjecture, and it is doubtful they were even depicted as anything other than “people” back in the Golden Age. Those descriptions have changed over time potentially.

The Ten

1. Ashay - Noor (The surface) (Ashay Noor – later Ashnoor) – "The Vessel of Life"
2. Bheblinn (Water) (Babbling) – God of inland waters – God of travellers.
3. Grigori (Air) – God of air (Wind) (Grigoree).
4. Elyendal (Elyend-al) – Fire Goddess – Goddess of Shadows.
5. Pelaphon (Pelafon) – God of The Deep – God of Sailors
6. Evla (Ayvlar) – Goddess of War - Goddess of the Underworld (Death), Goddess of Charity, Goddess of the Trades.
7. Soeyre (So Air) – God of Mirth and Mischief.
8. Xumdione (Chumdoyn) – Goddess of Thunder, Goddess of Storms Goddess of Pleasure, Goddess of Truth
9. Wieyar (Wye Yeh), God Sun (Sacred items: depictions of the sun – art, jewellery, badges etc.) God of Home, God of Destruction, God of Weddings, God of Artisans, God of Day, God of Professions, God of Judgement (cold light of day…)
10. Avlene (Arvleena), Goddess Moon (Sacred items: Depictions of the moon (in all phases) – art, jewellery, badges etc.). Goddess of Home, Goddess of Night, Goddess of Marriage, Goddess of Prosperity, Goddess of Professions, Goddess of the Dark, Goddess of Wine.
  Also note, ALL of the gods can be referred to as “hearth” gods, whereby, those who do still recall them and honour them (even simply acknowledge them) may have some (one or all even) of the gods symbols on or around their hearth at home. They may be worshiped quietly in some places whereby the TEN are not widely followed or respected. This is by no means an exhaustive list of “Godly” attributes or responsibilities/influences. Consider, as indicated above, the TEN might be representative of a wider family of gods; alternatively, the TEN may have offspring, who will inherit their own spheres of influence… The TEN whether consciously or otherwise are in some way at the heart of all other faiths of Ashnoor. Many a myth and legend can be written to expand on these gods of ancient Ashnoor.


Every chapter is lead by a small number of wise ones who act as teachers, healers, judges and mediators and, where necessary, leaders.
They tend to shy away from titles and depending on location generally are referred to as monks, clerics, druids, shaman, magistars and chiefs - in modern times, the religion is not currently high profile in everyday lives.


Arguably the basis of the Ten is the cultural seed to all other faiths in the land.
Predominantly based in nature worship, of sorts, all celebrations revolved around seasons and changes in conditions through the year.
Despite not being the main religion currently, much of every day life is influenced indirectly by The Ten - including ten of the months of their calendar year.
It is widely trusted that the Bardagan tribes follow the teachings of the Ten, it is also believed (rightly or wrongly) that they are faithful to the original practices of the faith.
It has also been rumoured that the Erayax follow a perversion of the Ten...


Fanciful tales of a bygone era when Ten magestic all knowing beings guided the humanoid species from the darkness and into the light.

From ignorance to knowing - the Ten were educators and protectors.
"Humanoids were nothing different from the other beasts on the planaet when the Ten decended from the sky and stars" - so one ancient text stated.
Whilst the few depictions of the gods that exist do not depict all of the Ten as humanoid - it is hard to imagine them as anything but, if they did in fact walk among us.
Most of the history are parables about observing seasons chaning, putting food aside for the cold seasons - a fairly welll known parable is the "Wise Hunter" who took just enough...Many follow this practice without quite knowing its origins.

Mythology & Lore

Time before reckoning it is said they walked among our kind. The Ten took mortal form and, for a time, lived with us.

Beyond that, there are as many myths and legends as there are people to tell of the times when they walked among us. Marvelous tales the building of civilisation and the feats of the ten in bringing that about

Almost every form of faith in the Ten or individual members of the Ten etc it is a commonly held view that the they instigated the foundations of almost every significant institution in existence today.

Divine Origins

The Ten were members of a species who remained on station to shepard the beings of their world back from the brink of extinction.
That is a whole other story...


(2nd month) Avelen 1 - Harvest festival celebrated with feasts, fairs and athletic contests. First fruits of the season exchanged as gifts.

(3rd Month) Soeye 21 - 22 - Storing - the Autumn equinox is celebrated, equal day and night around this time. Music and various entertainments occur over these two days.

(5th Month) Bardaga 1 - Sabbat - a time of resting or the death of the year. Celebrations include Bonfires; guising or mumming;divination and feasting.

(6th Month) Grigori 21 - Winter Solstice. Observed variously throughout chapters, generally around exchange of gifts and feasting.

(8th Month) Ayvla 1 - Lunar festival, Spring - Celebrations feasting, making floral festive decorations, visiting holy wells and water ways. Spring cleaning.

(9th Month) Ildres 21 - 22 - Rebirth a quarter day celebration exchange of "sweet" food treats.

(11th Month) Behblin 1 - Summer begins - Celebrations include athletic competitions, games, on water events (where practical) and feasting.

12th Month) Pelaphon 21 - 22 (officially) - unofficially, those who do celebrate this festive time enjoy weeks of festivals, feasting, singing, dancing, bonfires (where safe and practical).


Over the centuries sects focussed on one of the Ten have come and gone variously. Some probably still have small followings throughout Ashnoor.

There are also various sects following all Ten, some in their own unique ways, or some of the Ten grouped together via some often complex reasoning.
It is a widely held view that of all of the "practices" as varied as they are, among the Bardagan tribes, their practicing faith in the Ten is thought to be the most authentic to its origins.

Little is known about the Erayax Sects or if they are even more than mere rumour.

Founding Date
Lost in the mists of time, the religion was founded tens of thousands of years ago
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Ten; The Ten; They (as in, they who walked among us)
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members

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