Bardulf Brighthelm Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Bardulf Brighthelm

Bardulf is an Emissary of the Blazing Blue Sun. An ancient order of Holy Warriors with divine power who set themselves to walk uprightly, act honourably, keep their vows, speak the truth, fight valiantly and seek to always walk in the blazing blue light. He comes from a long line of Emissaries, father passing down the Blue mantle to son, over many Millenia of generations. He walks in the shadow of many warrior ancestors. Optimistic, boisterous, naïve, he is eager to live up the deeds of the many warriors of the order who have come before him.
Current Location
Year of Death
1256 AE
Circumstances of Death
Member of a party travelling the northern wastes. Missing presumed dead.
Place of Death
Northern Wastes