Evla Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Evla (Ayvlar)

Goddess of War - Goddess of the Underworld (Death), Goddess of Charity, Goddess of the Trades.

It is said among scholarly circles that back in the golden age, Evla was worshiped in every corner of the land and in every guild (Military, Trades or Commerce) her influence was so vast. It is also written that healers in particular who worshipped Evla were amongst the most skilled artisans in the healing arts in the land, seemingly ironic given she is a Goddess of both War and Death. What records remain regarding rituals, practices and beliefs seem to point to a remarkably uplifting and positive religion with very broad moral “suggestions” at best. This has led to many long and passionate debates speculating about ancient Ashnoor having little living experience of war, until the Succession wars at least. Of course, this is wild speculation often successfully countered with, perhaps they embraced war joyfully, as “we should”… Evla is believed to be at her most influential during the winter months albeit her presence is felt all year long as a rule.

Divine Domains

One of the few original Gods/Goddesses who could claim all of Ashnoor as her doman.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shield, Sword, Mace, Sceptre, Anvil, Hammer, Bellows
Divine Classification
Current Location
Black, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Tanned
The Ten
Aligned Organization