General Rank/Title in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Commissioned to command an army.


Qualifications vary widely across the armies of Ashnoor. Some ideal qualifications though are a clear and clean grasp on battle strategies and on the ground tactics.

Demonstrated Marshall prowess is also preferred.
demonstrated motivational leadership in lower ranking roles.


There is certainly an element of "born in the correct family" to aquiring this rank. However, family influence alone will never (or almost never at least) be the sole reason for promotion to control an entire army.


Often appointments in the "field" come from hi ranking Nobles with "the Monarch's ear".
Ultimately a commission though is appointed by the King.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Sir or General
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Commissioned in the name of their liege lord and/or their ruling monarch.

Articles under General