Kindred The Bane Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Kindred The Bane

Kindred,from a small village in Hemlock Vale, fights with reckless abandon and brute force, caring for nought but his home and his family. Kindred sought a truce with the Kingdom of Geldheim, and in return for a safe haven in Kingdom lands, his tribe guards the passes in the mountains. Kindred guards Barbarian's Leap, a large crevasse with the narrowest point spanning many meters, too far for most men to cross, however Kindred clears the void with ease. Most of his time in the mountains culling bandit tribes and raiders, and blocking passes that are not guarded with avalanches and boulders, ensuring the safety of Hemlock Vale, and the Kingdom of Geldheim.
Hemlock Vale
Aligned Organization