Orc Species in Kaladaan | World Anvil


If not the largest, one of the largest of the humanoid species.

Basic Information


Bipedal upright walking humanoids.

As with other intelligent humanoids, they have opposable thumbs, a solid skeletal structure and, unless sedentary, are generally sturdy and fit. Musculature varies from individual to individual.

Genetics and Reproduction

As with all other humanoid species, a male and female mate. The young gestate typically for around nine months (slight variations with some species mixes) in the mother's womb.

Growth Rate & Stages

Toddlers through to early infanthood are entirely dependent on a caring adult for their survival.

Young children through to adolescents, grow and fill out spending much of their time in peer aged groups learning variously (education can vary widely from region to region in Ashnoor, both in type and quality).

Adolescents, as with most other humanoid species is for around ten years, they can have growth spurts during this time and develop physically, mentally and emotionally into the adult they will become.

Whilst adopting many adult responsibilities from around sixteen years on, adult rites of passage are fairly consistently between early and mid-twenties widely across Ashnoor generally. With some exceptions.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs inhabit all of Ashnoor including among the Erayax.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Generally, being so widely populace, as with other humanoids they have diverse diets that meet their needs in a variety of ways. Humanoids hunter gatherer origins have lead to the various species being able to thrive on a wide range of foods, and combinations of food.

Also, as with other humanoid species, they tend to adopt local habits and customs, particularly if they're origins are from the region.

Biological Cycle

Whilst not particularly influenced by seasonal changes physically, they age with time physically, various signs show this.

Hair fading or greying, skin loosening and wrinkling, in some cases skin tone changing and the very old can become stooped and unsteady as their bodies deteriorate.


As wide ranging as any other sentient species.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Orcs have a wide range of varying facial features.

In common though, they have a protruding jaw that boasts tusks. Tusks vary widely in size, shape and positioning among Orcs.

As with all humanoids, they have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. Orcs do not typically have facial hair, however, there are some social groups who do cultivate their facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs live and thrive all over Ashnoor.

Average Intelligence

All humanoid races share a similar dispersal of intelligence.

80 - 100 years naturally
Average Height
1.75 - 2.2 Metres
Average Weight
75 - 110 Kg
Average Physique

Given the many variations amongst humanoids generally, there is no average physique.

Suffice to say, that the individuals robustness will wholly depend upon the environment and society they're raised in.

Of course, Orcs are larger and more robust than most other humanoid species.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Whilst often thought of as big green humanoids, Orcs in Ashnoor boast a wide variation of colours and hues.

It is true that many are a shade of green, some share skin colouring with humans and there is a specific strain of Orcs known generally as the Red Orcs - it is rumoured they are in significant numbers amongst the Erayax. Red Orcs, however, also appear in the contested territory among other mixed tribes and, albeit rarely, in either of the main factions (Kingdom or Empire).

Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations