The Erayax Horde Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Erayax Horde

There is little recorded about the Erayax Horde origins. It is widely believed they're the descendants of those who claimed to be disaffected by the Knife Accord. A callous and militaristic culture that practices blood sacrifice, harsh, often murderous discipline and boasts a survival of the fittest leadership structure. They made their presence known during the succession wars around 250 AE.   The Erayax are mostly known for punitive raids and slave hunting runs in the southern regions.   There is much they're not known for too...

More recently rumours have circulated that the Erayax worship a previously unheard of religion dating back to the times of the Ten. This would suggest that the Erayax have been in existence in some form or another since those long forgotten times.


Kraterocracy in essence where might is right. Mostly the bigger, stronger races rule the various sub structures of the Erayax, that is certainly not to say there is not room for intelligence and leadership within the Erayax social structure.

The ruling clans decide on the (lord chieften) and they are then supported by the clan leaders of the seven most powerful clans. The Erayax political and social structures are extremely complex. Yet, violence often is part of the equation.


It is largely unknown outside of the old lands of Ashnoor that the Erayax share a great deal of culture and are highly cultured as a homogenous group amongst themselves.

They accept war and violence as simply part of culture and carry on.

Erayax art is as diverse as anywhere else in Ashnoor given the wide range of racial and cultural mixes living in these lands.

Public Agenda

It varies greatly from social group to social group.


Aringale. The Erayax are well aware they hold the old Kingdom capital from the southerners.

There are still rich lands as well within their control.


Most of the north of the island of Ashnoor.


Powerful despite their diverse structures. The Erayax have "guilds" identical in nature to the guilds in the south. The only difference perhaps is the singular focus of the Erayax guilds - the Erayax call them "orders" - Warriors order, Skirmisher's order, Healer's Order, Mages Order, Anti Magics order etc...


Era Ya Tamarax - the goddess who named the Erayax and who walked with them in exile into the bad lands where they were forged in blood, fire, salt and ash.

Era Ya taught the first Erayax the ways of survival in the badlands, how to hunt the beasts that often hunted them and how to cultivate the safest of the wild foods that grew in the northern reaches.

Era Ya - The Goddess who walked with Erayax is observed daily in most actions.

Foreign Relations

Hostile towards the southerners (Geldheim, Hadovean and the unaligned).

Wary of Bardagans


Might is right is the ultimate deciding factor in all situations.
Alternative Names
Horde, Erayax Horde
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Judicial Body
In most cases summary punishment handed out by a village elderman or Mayor. Anything dealt with above their station in Erayax justice will end with some form of capital punishment - up to and including death.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories