Reynard Grey Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Reynard Grey

Reynard Grey né Surtova

An assassin with no faction alignment.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Good health, lean and fit.

Body Features

Short and lean.

Identifying Characteristics

Reynard has few distinctive features, a valuable trait in one who tends towards unscrupulous or underhanded activities

Physical quirks

Reynard has few distinctive features, a valuable trait in one who tends towards unscrupulous or underhanded activities

Apparel & Accessories

He uses a light medium length sword and a matching dagger. He avoids armour to allow faster movement and better endurance.

Specialized Equipment

Lockpicks, poisons,

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reynard Surtova was the second son of a minor neutral noble family. His younger years were peaceful and pleasant, and he grew up with very few worries and was betrothed to a wonderful woman from another minor noble house, Nalita Robinson.   However, this was not to last. His father was manipulated and tricked into gambling the family fortune and lands. When the rigged bet led to the complete loss of the family's holdings Reynard’s father took his own life in shame. His older brother then challenges the perpetrators of this scheme to a duel to regain what was lost but was grievously injured and is believed to have died from his wounds.   Reynard knew that as the acquisition was of questionable legality, he could to the courts in attempt to undo the damage, but he wasn't the only party to know this. After an attempt on his life Reynard faked his death and fled   Changing his name to Grey he travelled as a vagrant and a vagabond. After many years an attempted robbery went wrong and to avoid execution Reynard joined the army of the Hadovean Empire during their assault on Pont. Poorly equipped and essentially cannon fodder he was wounded and left for dead. When the defenders overran the area, he was sheltered in Reynard ditched his Kingdom uniform and donned the clothes of a fallen Empire soldier. Feigning unconsciousness, he was taken back to the medics tent he was treated and brought back to health. While in the hospital fate threw a twist his way. Being patched up for a minor wound was Major "Two Guns" Tombs who was the very man who shot Reynard down, meaning he was unbelievably lucky to only be seriously wounded. However, Tombs did not turn Reynard in choosing instead to offer him a place in Red Company for the potential he showed during the battle.   Reynard did not go to the Red Keep alone either. As he and Tombs were leaving the medic tent, he saw someone he never thought he would see again, his betrothed Lady Nalita Robinson. When he fled for his life Reynard could not bear to subject his love to the life of a fugitive, so he left her behind. Her own path led her to the medical corps of the Empire and so they were reunited and finally married shortly after in the Red Keep's sacred grove by Major Tombs himself and they took on the names Reynard and Vixen Grey.

Gender Identity



Heterosexual - Married to Vixen Grey


Basic noble-family education


Red Company member

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully combined group of Ashnoor warriors to rescue Guild Leader Elyaar

Failures & Embarrassments

Having to flee following his family's downfall.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quick witted and cunning but not always honest especially with those he doesn't respect.

Morality & Philosophy

Reynard has a strong sense of self preservation and caution and is quick to retreat and wait for a better opportunity. Once he has formed an attachment to someone, he extends this caution to them. His morals are quite flexible especially in regard to the laws of the land. However, he is loath to disobey orders from someone he respects.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Direct confrontation, tight spaces

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be cowardly




Contacts & Relations

Married to Vixen Grey

Family Ties

brother presumed dead

Religious Views

He pays lip service to the Ten however little beyond that

Social Aptitude

Sociable and Charismatic though slow to form meaningful bonds.


Still presents himself as he was taught to in his noble upbringing and rarely curses.


Clear pronunciation and decent vocabulary

Wealth & Financial state

minimal now
Honorary & Occupational Titles
ex minor lordship
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You'll have to catch me first" 'That's only if they see me coming"
The Ten
Other Affiliations