The Mage Hunter's Guild Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Mage Hunter's Guild

The school come training ground for those warriors specifically focussed on hunting mages.


Arch Mage Hunter is the principal of the main school.
Demi Mage Hunter is the title for the principal of the outlying faculties. In some of the more out of the way places - the faculty may consist of just one senior Mage Hunter perhaps retired (or partially at least) from the active field.

The foundation school is in Doomsayer's Keep as are all of the Class guilds (and all of the trade and artisan guilds as well, along with various other sub guilds and specific smaller interests). However, particularly the class guilds, whilst remaining neutral have faculties in every corner of Ashnoor as knowledge is held to be neutral.


The various faculties tend to adopt a lot of "cultural" practices of their locals. Hence, those located in Hadovian territories will outwardly appear to be Hadovian - whilst inwardly staunchly neutral. Likewise in Geldheim territories and the Contested Lands.
Neutrality is sacred to the Guilds.

Public Agenda

To train and devlope reliable and skilled mage hunters.


The Guild owns each of it's faculty premises, a substantial amount of real estate.


The Mage Hunter's Guild commenced a few short decades after the other guilds were initially established in Doomsayers Keep.
Given the relationship to Magic it was initially (and ill conceived) thought that Mages and Mage Hunters would train together...A short lived experiment at best.

The great schism of 287 AE led to the expulsion, and in some cases, exile, of all non mages. In other words, all mage hunters. Roughly five years of wide spread unrest both internally and spreading out beyond the Guild's precint, often bloddy and violent.
The Mage Hunters Guild was founded shortly thereafter and has since flourished in Ashnoor at roughly the same pace as the other guilds.

In more recent times, despite earlier conflicts and differences students from both schools (Mage's enclave and mage hunters guild) have developed methods of working along side each other when allied.

Steal a tongue, retire a mage.

Founding Date
300 AE
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
The Anti Magics Guild
Leader Title
Controlled Territories