Doomsayers Keep Settlement in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Doomsayers Keep

Doomsayers Keep is a massive stone Fortifed city that sits at the southern edge of the contested lands of Ashnoor. Staunchly Neutral to the constant fighting and bickering between the Empire and the Kingdom Doomsayers is seen as a valuable cornerstone of the Ashnorrian way of life. Known wide and far as a bustling trade hub there is never a shortage of colourful characters coming and going and many whom call the Keep home. Consequently, there are no shortage of adventurers, rogues or villains doing "business" in every corner of the town. Neither the Empire nor the Kingdom would ever admit it but the prescence of Doomsayers Keep provides a helpful buffer between the warring factions, not to mention the trinkets, treats and luxuries otherwise unobtainable.
Doomsayers boasts an impressive, busy harbour and dockyard area. Every guild has a house or chapter in Doomsayers many are foundational chapters.


  • Doomsayers Keep
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