Verdes the Mage Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Verdes the Mage

As a young child Verdes swept downstream separating him from his identical twin brother, he was found by a couple of what could be best described as gypsies. Recognizing him, but taking him as 'Payment' for perceived mistreatment, they hastily cast a changeling spell on him, causing Verdes to no longer be the physical double of his twin. Due to their haste in casting, whenever Verdes cast major magics it causes his hair to change color.
After many years of being maltreated by his new 'Parents', his recognition that they were thieves and con-artists caused him to undermine them in various ways. The final time, in his early teens, resulted in his 'Parents' being caught and sent to the gallows.
Wandering alone, Verdes’s history caught the attention of a local hermit-mage who excelled in matters of the arcane. Who took him in as an apprentice.
Under his tutelage the side effects of his hair changing color after channelling strong magics was discovered. But it was misinterpreted as evidence that he was promised to 'Dark Powers' as a child. A fate that was not inconceivable when his 'Parents' were considered. Adding the fact his nightmares he had suffered for as long as he could remember reflected back a face that was familiar, but not his.
So he set off to try and find the 'Powers' responsible.
After years of searching (and failing) he comes across new evidence, Not that 'Dark Powers' had designs on him, but that he was the subject of a Changeling spell. Then the dreams started to make sense...
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