Woag Species in Kaladaan | World Anvil


A large predatory carnivor. Typically the Erayax Orcs know how to capture, raise and train these formidable beasts as mounts.

Basic Information


Large Quadrupeds with razor sharp retractable claws.   Woag's are formidable hunters in their own right.   With powerful jaws and up to three rows of serated teeth designed for both gripping and tearing.

Biological Traits

Can live for up to sixty years.   Typically in the wild forty years is the median. Aside from death in battle, domesticated Woags are long lived.   The young suckle with their mother, usually during the first few months the male (Father) will hunt for the mother as well as himself.   Aside from reproductive differences in anatomy, males and females are strikingly similar, with eye colour being a defining trait, females have green eyes and males have yellow eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Woags are mammals. They have a relatively short gestation priod of around twelve weeks and typically birth a litter of three or four cubs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cubs are born with eyes closed and are entirely reliant on their mothers for about a month, it is known some cubs have "hunted" small prey as young as two weeks old.   Woags are fully grown in around eighteen months, however they do not reach full maturity until three years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Their natural habitat is believed to be in the northern most reaches of Ashnoor.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Woag have been known to graze on spindly tundra grasses, however they are typically carnivorous and their diet is whatever "meat" animal they can hunt - including humanoid species.

Biological Cycle

Fur grows thick in Autumn for the cold northern winters. They typically moulting early in spring.   Fur grows darker with age, however, they grey up with old age.


In the wild Woags will ignore most other life forms until they hunt, which is driven by hunger.   Erayax Orcs have established ways of reasonably consistently bonding with individual young beasts and, as a rule are safe from being hunted. This, however, is not entirely reliable or consistent .

It is also noteworthy that specifically among the Erayax there have been a few human Erayax riders as well. This prompted thoughts that a bonded Erayax rider may be safe from being hunted purely because of having bonded. This is speculative though.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Curiously, whilst some are solitary animals whilst those who live in packs are thought to be familial groups.


Erayax Orcs are the only group to have successfully domesticated some Woags.

It is said amongst the Erayax that an Orc either tames the Woag or feeds it.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Predominantly used as a mount by Orcs of the Erayax horde faction.

Facial characteristics

Almost feline in their facial features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Northern reaches of the island of Ashnoor.

Average Intelligence

Woag are considered quite intelligent in broad terms. It is not known how Erayax Orcs train them, however, they appear to be quite trainable and form firm bonds with their riders.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Forward mounted eyes, they have a keen sense of smell, excellent hearing and eyesight.

Originated in the cooler northern territories of Ashnoor.
40 - 60 years
Average Height
1.9 metres
Average Weight
590 kgs
Average Length
3 metres
Average Physique

Powerfully built animals with sinewy muscles.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Various shades of brown to grey are their typical colouring.   Occasionally mottled almost brindle colouring appears and very rare white Woags are highly prized as mounts.   It should be noted that white Woags are exceedingly rare and, regardless of sex, are consistently blue eyed.

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