Kaladaan Emperor General Ordan Callingber – hero of Ashnoor

Emperor General Ordan Callingber – hero of Ashnoor

Political event


The final battle on the Fields of Ashnoor (original) that ended, or, more accurately, paused, the Succession Wars, General Callingber was not famous, influential politically or outstanding….yet.

After weeks of constant battle, the Empire line began to falter (Callingber was unaware that the Empress had been mortally wounded). Callingber led a daring counter flanking manoeuvre catching the enemy completely off guard, crushing their left flank and causing such chaos that pandemonium ensued. Then came the Erayax causing even more deaths and destruction.    After fleeing both Erayax and Kingdom forces the army paused in a quiet forest area on the western side of Lake Miasma. They took some time to count their losses and the council had decisions to make.   Callingber's daring heroics and leadership won him fame and some regard; his calm measured affect also earned much respect. Essandra having died from battle-wounds, and after an appropriate (and short, given the location and circumstances) mourning period, the council elected Callingber as Emperor. He immediately took charge and the entire force moved further west, eventually settling into Mirthstone. Mirthstone would ultimately become the Hadovean capital.   Callingber survived his time as Emperor and voluntarily stood down after a twenty-year run as leader. Every five years leadership is reviewed by the council – he was successfully re-elected each term. The first five years were consumed with the war and immediate recovery, exodus and resettlement – Callingber had managed exceptionally well in extremely difficult conditions. Those who survived would no doubt unanimously agree with the council in the ’55 elections, he was their leader in absolute terms and had protected them.   As indicated, under Callingber the Hadovian’s settled to the southwest, those who lived in that region willingly welcomed the Empire’s people and happily became subjects of Emperor General Callingber. It is widely believed that this was achieved by diplomacy over force.   Callingber implemented infrastructure programs that, over time, started to improve travel and communication particularly. Roads were a high priority as evidenced by the speed (and efficiency) with which they were built.    Whilst he got non-combatants busy with building projects (Roads, hospitals, Learning centers – from school to university as it were, city/town/village improvements generally), Callingber demonstrated just how keen a military mind he had, shoring up defences despite limited people power and resources.   Callingber resigned from office in the Autumn of 270 AE to retire and live out his days near Lake Noor.   Author’s note: please take note that during the time known commonly as “the recovery age” record keeping was not as fastidious as one would otherwise find useful. Please forgive some gaps in the chronology – there is simply either not enough or no evidentiary documentation to support any kind of claim. We can trust the council got it right obviously or we would not be here today.

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