Kaladaan Hadovean Succession Timeline

Hadovean Succession

The Hadovean Empire's first Rulers

223 AE 405 AE

A faithful record of our glorious Hadovean leaders

  • 235 AE

    250 AE

    The Hadovean Empire's first regents

    Empress Essandra: 250 AE.
      The first Empress, the reluctant ruler. Essandra’s history is widely known. She may well have been the legitimate Queen, that part is unclear. What is known and widely accepted is Essandra did NOT want the throne, or power, to lead. She rejected the throne, and some rejected her decision. This led to war.

  • 250 AE

    270 AE

    Emperor General Ordan Callingber – hero of Ashnoor
    Political event

    The final battle on the Fields of Ashnoor (original) that ended, or, more accurately, paused, the Succession Wars, General Callingber was not famous, influential politically or outstanding….yet.

  • 270 AE

    375 AE

    A Period of poor record keeping
    Political event

    270 AE 375 AE:

      Impossibly, records only exist regarding two elected leaders during this 105-year period, whilst this does not seem credible, the following account is as honest as it can be.

  • 387 AE

    413 AE

    Empress Elyian Torlea – the Diplomat
    Diplomatic action

    Brokered deals with a range of groups some fully under a backdrop of civil unrest and some deals were with the merely disgruntled whom could go either way. Ultimately, Elyian restored calm to the Empire with minimal (if any) use of force.   A renewed age of building and restoration began.

An Era of bureaucracy

404 AE 1200 AE

The recovery age (about 800 years) required some organising apparently.

  • 412 AE

    1200 AE

    The Update
    Era beginning/end

    For roughly 800 years during the “recovery age” The Empire’s leaders were efficient bureaucrats and not much more was required. It was widely understood that the Kingdom of Geldheim was also in a period of growth, as it were, so there were no immediate threats.   The only “incidents” of historical note were an uncharacteristic rebellion in 723 AE that was brief, if not brutal, and the worker’s revolt of 1057 AE. Both incidents were fairly speedily resolved with no long term harm done to the progress of the Empire.

Succession War II

1201 AE 1257 AE

Increasingly Hadovean and Geldheim forces clash on or near each other's borders.

  • 1205 AE

    1240 AE

    Emperor Arndan

    Border skirmishers had erupted, it had been widely rumored that Kingdom forces were massing in contested territory and if not doing the raids, were behind them.

    Arndan led probably the largest group of fighters and was unanimously elected by the council of 12 to manage hostilities. Highborn, loyal to the Empire flocked to his standard.
    This was informally, the renewal of hostilities with the Kingdom of Geldheim.

  • 1241 AE

    Empress Yalsoi Darquin

    Empress Darquin was elected leader in 1241 AE after Arndan was stood down.   Yalsoi leads our glorious Empire currently as the fight against the unlawful Kingdom picks up pace a new.