Kaladaan Ship's Log - Amphion

Ship's Log - Amphion

Military: Battle


A moment of mutiny and Amphion is destroyed.

Lieutenant Carmody Reynold Ashay 8, 1256

  The fleet had been lucky enough to date setting out at the start of spring had afforded fair weather whilst still providing good winds to sail by. At least until these last few days, the storm had been unavoidable ultimately and it had scattered the fleet significantly. As directed by the Commodore and after several days searching Amphion had rejoined with Jubilant, but Jubilant had been sluggish to respond to signals and she was even more delayed in following direction.   They say the mark of a person is highlighted under duress, maybe for some. I’d had concerns regarding his handling of Jubilant early on in the voyage, oh, when there was the sumptuous weekly feast aboard the flag ship, Fallson, of the Jubilant had been full of cooperative blather and eager companionship. However, once the fresh supplies ran low and the weekly meeting was to discuss their mission, he had grown increasingly sullen, withdrawn, and difficult. Even neglecting to attend until the “admiral” pulled his nose on the matter. And now, I find myself keeping station on his ship because he is refusing to follow direction – I trust his vessel may be damaged and unnavigable as we are turned back towards the isle of Ashnoor’s northern coast. However, I fear it may be deliberate on his part. I am set that should the Jubilant continue this course and continue to ignore communications I will be forced to close on her and take command of the situation, forcefully if needs be. I long for sight of the remainder of the fleet.

Lieutenant Carmody Reynold Ashay 10, 1256

I signaled Jubilant to lower sails and come about, the signal was met with a single shot fired from a stern chaser cannon of about four pounds. No damage done as the shot went wide but the sheer audacity of this pirate is outrageous. I have ordered the ship to close on the Jubilant and retain the supplies for the fleet. The Cargo vessel is no match in speed or maneuverability. Our guns will hardly bother the Jubilant in reality, beyond shredding some of her rigging, so we’ll close and board her by force if need be.  

Nav/Helm officer Slaytor Eragon Ashay 11, 1256 (aboard lifeboat):

The Amphion is lost, along with most of her crew including Lieutenant Reynold. We’d fired some chain into the Jubilant’s rigging slowing her even further so we could close her down, everyone expected some gun fire, two-gun ports opened as expected, and the surprisingly heavy guns were rolled out, then to our collective horror, another three carefully concealed gun ports flew open, they fired without pause.   The Amphion faced a full broadside from five roughly twenty-pound cannon, shattering our hull the small ship healed, a mast toppling to one side, she bagan to roll right over, immediately crippled by the shot, Lieutenant Reynold died at the helm.   The larger vessel quickly reloaded and fired another shot into her exposed keel and crew members from Jubilant lined her railings firing musket into survivors in the water. The ambush was a bloody slaughter. The six of us were the only ones to escape with our lives by accident more than design, and, that said, we are in poor shape indeed. I expect we’ll make landfall in a few days somewhere near where I have dubbed “Bay of Treachery” on the northern shore of Ashnoor. We have no supplies, if we're too survive then food and water will need to be close by that beach. If you're reading this the log, I have deliberately bound it in waxed leather and cloth and I intentionally leave it in the hopes it is one day found as I despair, we will not be.

May the gods strike down the crew of the Jubilant for their treachery.

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