Merchants, Bankers and Traders Guild Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Merchants, Bankers and Traders Guild

Active throughout Ashnoor where ever there is trade or exchange of capital or assets, barring of course the northern regions currently dominated by the Erayax.


As would be expected the guild is the link between almost all merchants, bankers and traders of various ilks throughout the known lands of Ashnoor.
The likely "head" of the organisation would be first speaker in all likelihood, though it's doubtful any first speaker (or other speakers for that matter) would concur. However, for purposes of hierachical consideration, consider first speaker as the figure head of sorts. The first speaker chairs the "committee" which is the ruling council as it were with representatives from each sector of the guild. Each area, if large enough will have it's own sub committee (a member of which will travel to meet with the Committee)
For the main part though, the members are generally autonymous and the guild is a more a support network than a ruling body, except in extreme instances or "unusual" circumstances.


Wealth building is a primary driver of the guild members in the main.
There are varied ideas about the best, most reasonable and effective ways to go about this.

Despite some potentially volatile differences amongst guild members, they apply the motto "mind your own business" assiduously. The Merchant, Banker and Trader guild has never had a major schism or rupture in its history. At worst some rough times of public disputes, quickly resolved though.

Public Agenda

The guild generally enourages a fair trade is good for everybody.

The guild works to keep business 'honest' or at the very least seen to be honest...
Their efficacy in this role is demonstrated by the lack of external interventions.


Quiet influence is perhaps the Merchant, Bankers and Traders Guild greatest asset, often getting the job done, as it were, quietly behind the scenes.
Holdings in Doomsayer's Keep are significant and would be counted as assets.
Throughout Ashnoor, whether it be Geldheim, Hadovea or the Contested Terrirtories, the guild held assets of various kinds.
Including recently a fleet of newly launched ocean going vessels.


It is claimed in "guild" manuals that the guild has had many guises and forms almost throughout Ashnoors history - some claim even back to pre history (as we know it).

The bankers have the most likely claim, it would seem that money exchange is part of almost every civilisation in one form or another.
First record of a Traders Guild having input is in 257 AE - very early in the Recovery age. Interestinly, they were representing 'trades' which later became their own noteworthy guild (See Trades Guild).


Given how far reaching their organisation is even despite best efforts they're not strictly law abiding in all cases...or regions

Mind your own business

Alternative Names
Various quarters have a range of alternative names for them, usually dependent upon their most recent experience. Some good, some not so good.
The guild has no singular official currency.
They trade in the currencies of both factions and many of the various "currency" used broadly in the Contested Territories.
Controlled Territories

No formal or "official" status presently. Tall could only negotiate on behalf of the guild he was representing.

Whilst some trade did occur on this initial contact voyage, the ground work was now in place for regular trade between Ashnoor and Tiiandarooh.

As it should, the Merchants, Bankers and Traders Guild is in on the ground floor of this.